Hot Water Tap
Drip Tray
Drain Cap
Wire Condenser
Hot Water Indicator Light
Cold Water Indicator Light
Cold Water Tap
Cold Water
Temp. Control
Back Type float sensor
Cold water
Hot water
UF system
Stage 1
- The Sediment Filter maximizes the effect of water purification by
eliminating rust, sand, silt, and pipe turbidity that is found in water supplies
across the globe.
Stage 2
- This filter uses granulated activated carbon media from the Kuraray
Carbon Company, tested and certified by the NSF. It removes chlorine,
TH M's, Benzene, Pesticides, Insecticides, and other contaminants that may be
present in municipal water supplies.
Stage 3
- The Ultra Filtration Membrane filters water down to .002 microns,
and is highly effective at removing bacteria, organic chemicals, and other
water borne microorganisms.
Stage 4
- This filter utilizes proprietary carbon block technology to ensure
that 99% of all chlorine, lead, and microbial cysts have been removed. It also
provides a "polishing" effect, giving the water a crisp and delicious taste.
H 2 0 - 5 0 0 B O T T L E L E S S W A T E R C O O L E R I N S T A L L A T I O N & O W N E R S M A N U A L
Pure n Natural Systems, Inc. | purennatural.com | 1-800-237-9199