Drawing (A)
Saddle Valve
Water pipe
1/4" PE Water Pipe
Saddle valve
Drawing ( B)
Water - In Connector
1. Shut off the main water supply or local water supply to the water pipe
being tapped.
2. Insert rubber washer on underside of top saddle clamp.
3. Insert one bolt through the top and bottom clamps and turn it a couple
of times.
4. Place the top clamp on the nearest cold water supply pipe, then rotate
the bottom clamp under the water supply line. Insert the second bolt
and evenly tighten both bolts on the saddle clamps.
Install the compression nut and plastic compression sleeve onto tubing.
When using polyethylene tubing, use the brass insert to reinforce the
tube wall.
Make sure the tubing is placed completely into the valve and tighten the
compression nut. Tighten the nut by hand until it begins to bite. Using a
crescent wrench, tighten the nut about 1/2 more turn.
7. Next, turn the valve handle clockwise slowly as far as possible. This will
fully open the needle valve and allow the piercing tip to tap into the
copper or brass water supply line.
Turn valve to 'OFF' position.
Turn on water supply and check for leaks.
10. To start the flow of water with the saddle valve, turn handle on the
saddle valve fully counter-clockwise.
DO's and DON'T's
Install the product half an inch from the wall.
The power plug should be disconnected when changing filters.
Do not use thinner, benzene or wax for cleaning, and keep
the product away from any volatile agents.
Install the product on a flat and firm surface.
Do not hit or kick your water system.
Do not tilt the product over 45
while moving, and do not
operate while the product is tilted over 15
Do not open or try to repair without help.
Wait for 30 minutes after moving your water cooler, before
plugging it in to an electrical outlet
Do not twist or snap the inlet hose.
Do not place the product where the temperature is below 40
H 2 0 - 5 0 0 B O T T L E L E S S W A T E R C O O L E R I N S T A L L A T I O N & O W N E R S M A N U A L
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