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6.1. Replacing the fl apper & indicator assembly in 1.5” (DN40), 2” (DN50) and 2.5” (DN65) installations
For the AcuFlow Digital (AF-D) to function on AcuFlow models AF-15, AF-C-M-DN40, AF-2, AF-C-M-DN50, AF-25, and
AF-C-M-DN65, it will be necessary to replace the Flapper and its attached red indicator with the one provided in the AF-D
packing box (see Fig.1.4 on page 4) - regardless of whether the AcuFlow unit itself is new or already installed. This is a simple
procedure that will take less than 2 minutes; however, it is important to reassemble the unit exactly as shown below.
Spring legs location tabs
1. Release each of the two spring legs from the location tabs - this will
remove the tension from the spring. See Fig.2.1 above.
2. Slide the Hasteloy pivot pin to completely remove it from the lid.
3. Discard the existing gray Flapper with its attached red indicator.
4. Pay attention to the orientation of the spring when reassembling the unit.
5. Install the new Flapper and Indicator following a reversal of the
disassembly procedure. Note, you may fi nd it easier to place the spring’s
legs over their location tabs before sliding the pin.
6. Proceed to Section 6.3 to complete the installation of AcuFlow Digital.
Fig 2.2
Fig 2.3