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advanced setup cont.
You can change this value to that desired for your application, and you can also determine the condition that you wish it to
operate, e.g., above or below the programmed value, between or outside the programmed values. Note that when either of
these latter two options are selected, a second value window will appear.
Beneath this you will see an option to select the relay’s sensitivity in detecting the programmed condition at which you wish
it to activate; the default is set to ‘low’. It is recommended that you do not adjust this unless you need the relay to operate
immediately when the fl ow rate hits the programmed level. Please note, however, that the equipment connected to the relay
may experience rapid turning on and off when the fl ow rate is turbulent and is close to the programmed alarm value.
Finally, you may also wish to change the appearance of the Display when the Alarm condition is met. For example, if you
wanted to make the screen fl ash red when the fl ow rate is above a certain value such as a high fl ow rate, you can achieve
this by checking the ‘Change Backlight’ box and selecting the desired appearance.
When all changes have been made, it is essential that you click on ‘APM’ in the menu at the top of the screen, and then
click on the dropdown option ‘Write Confi guration to APM’.
Before disconnecting the Type A to Type B cable between your PC and the Display, you may wish to save your confi guration
settings. To do so, click on ‘File’ at the top-left of the Confi gurator screen, and then click on ‘Save Confi guration File’ from the
dropdown menu. In the ‘Save As’ dialog box, navigate to the location that you wish to save the fi le, and give it a Filename
before clicking on the ‘Save’ button.
Fig 3.6
You should now see a screen that looks like the one below (Fig. 3.6):
In this screen, you can program:
• The unit of measurement in either
US GPM (default), LPM, or M
• If being installed to a swimming pool
or tank application, then the turnover
rate by inserting the volume
Please do not change any other values.
‘Alarm 2’ has been designated to the
Digital (Open Collector) output that can
be connected to control the optional
Auxiliary Relay kit discussed in section
13 of this manual. In the right-hand side
of this screen, you can program the
condition that you wish the relay to
activate. As can be seen from the default
values, it will operate when the fl ow rate
is above 25 GPM.