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e.g., airbag or brakes. The following notes and instructions also apply to future updates and related software
Performing Safety-Relevant Software Modifications
Work on safety-related areas, e.g. the occupant safety system and the brake system, is only allowed to be
performed if the user has read and accepted this note.
The user of the diagnostic device must comply fully with all work steps and conditions given by the device and the
vehicle manufacturer, and follow the related instructions without fail.
Diagnostic programs that make safety-related software modifications in the vehicle may and are only allowed to
be used if the related warning notes including the declaration given in the following are accepted without
It is imperative that the diagnostic program is used correctly, as programs, configurations, settings, and indicator
lamps can be deleted/cleared with it. These changes affect and modify safety-related data and electronic controls,
in particular safety systems.
Prohibition of Safety-Relevant Software Modifications
Changes or modifications to electronic controls and safety-related systems are not allowed to be made in the
following situations:
The ECU is damaged and it is not possible to read out the data.
The ECU and its allocation cannot be read out unambiguously.
Reading out is not possible due to data loss.
The user does not have the related training and knowledge necessary.
In these cases the user is not allowed to change programs, configurations, or to make other changes in the safety
system. To avoid any danger, the user has to contact an authorized dealer instantly. Only an authorized dealer can
guarantee the safe function of vehicle electronics together with the factory.
Waiver of the Use of Safety-Relevant Software Modifications
The user undertakes not to use any safety-related software functions if one of the following conditions arise:
There are doubts about the specialized skills of third parties to use these functions.
The user does not have the prescribed training qualifications.
There are doubts about the correct function of the safety-related software engagement.
The device is transferred to a third party. Hella Gutmann Solutions GmbH is unaware of this fact and has not
authorized the third party to use the diagnostic program.
Data and Information
The information in the database of the diagnostic program has been compiled based on automotive and importer
information. Great care was taken to ensure the correctness of the information. The Hella Gutmann Solutions GmbH
accepts no liability for any mistakes and the resulting consequences. This statement also applies to the use of data
and information that are found to be incorrect or that were incorrectly displayed, also to errors that occurred
inadvertently during compilation of the data.