- Verify whether the working load limit (w.l.l.) of the clamp is suffi cient for the load created
in the lifting situation.
- Attach the lifting clamp to the hoisting mechanism:
- directly to a crane hook by means of a safety shackle,
- by means of a coupling link or D-type shackle,
- by means of a sling or chain, if necessary, in conjunction with a coupling link or
D-type shackle.
- Ensure that all attachments have been tested and are of the correct tonnage. Make sure that
coupling links and shackles are large enough to allow the clamp to move freely in the hook.
- Check whether the clamp has any visible damage.
- Operate the spindle to check whether the clamp opens and closes smoothly.
- Check that the threaded spindle is free of dirt and if necessary clean it with a wire brush.
- Remove excess dirt from the beam or strip where the lifting clamp is to be applied.
- Open the clamp by using the threaded spindle.
- Position the jaw as far as they will go over the beam or strip, ensuring that the clamp is
positioned so as to balance the load when it is being lifted.
- Close the clamp by reversing the threaded spindle as far as it will go (fi nger tight).
- Start the lifting and check whether the clamp is shifting.
- If the clamp continues to shift read through Chapter 6 - Maintenance.
- Make sure that the load is in a stable position, before taking the clamp off the plate.
- Open the clamp by means of the thread spindle.
- Position the clamp completely onto the bulb profi le, in such a way that the bulb falls into
the recess of the clamp and the fl at side of the bulb profi le faces the spindle side.
- Close the clamp by fully (i.e. fi nger tight) closing the thread spindle.
- Mount the hoisting element onto the lifting shackle and start lifting gently.
- Make sure the clamp does not shift. If the clamp shifts or if the load becomes unbalanced,
repeat the above.
- When the load has reached its destination, lower the crane hook until the clamp is fully
unloaded. This can be verifi ed by the slackness of the hoisting chain and a free movement
of the lifting shackle of the clamp.
- Take the hoisting element from the lifting shackle while holding on to the frame.
- The bulb screw clamp is removed from the construction by loosening the thread spindle.
From a safety point of view, please check the general condition of the clamp at least once
a month, see Chapter 7 - Disassembling/Assembling.
Stop using the clamp if:
- the clamping parts are split or deformed, in particular the jaws;
- the lifting shackle is visibly deformed;
- the shackle pins are visibly deformed;
- the retaining pins are missing;
- the threaded spindle is visibly deformed;
- the threaded spindle is dirty or damaged;
- there is too much room in the spindle nuts;
- the marking on the clamp is no longer legible.