Gulfstream Inc. highly recommends the following cleaning regimen. You should always contact your local governing
agency for their specific cleaning and disinfecting requirements and regulations for pedicure spas. For your clients
safety, always use the regulations as a minimum standard for cleaning and disinfecting. Combining your states
standards with the regimen listed below will provide your clients with a safe and healthy pedicure spa environment
Routine maintenance:
Powdered cleansers or abrasives are
. A clean towel or sponge, are all that are usually
needed. A soft bristled brush may be used when excessive residue is present. Use a mild soap and water solution to
clean the upholstery, but do not over wet. Wipe dry with a clean towel. No internal maintenance of the spa
components is necessary. Remove clean jet caps and spray with disinfectant after each use. For extra protection, our
recommendation is that the system be flushed daily or weekly depending on use. To flush the clean jet system fill spa
with hot water to just above the jets. Add disinfectant. Run whirlpool for 15 minutes, drain and then wipe dry with
clean soft cloth.
Cleaning or sanitizing is NOT disinfecting. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and
the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), disinfecting occurs only when there is a reduction of pathogenic
microbes at 99.999%. Sanitizing is only a reduction of 99.9%. Cleaning of whirlpool pedicure spas requires surfactant
and chelating detergents that are low-foaming and have the ability to remove body oils, organic oil additives, mineral
oil, skin cells, nail clippings etc that can accumulate both in the basin and the jets which may become a fertile area for
micro organisms to grow.
The use of oil based products can build up in the whirlpool system causing clogging in the jets. Adherence to the
above cleaning will minimize build up. Gulfstream does not recommend the use of mineral oil based products.
After foot spa has been installed, fill tub with water just above the jets. Carefully check for leaks at drain and over
flow. After checking underside for leaks turn on system by pushing whirlpool button and watch for leaks as water
circulates. Let tub run full cycle. Open drain plug for water discharge.
Please refer the diagrams to remove jet covers for cleaning