User Manual
per need. To switch between the two memory media, you can either set UFlash for
Storage here or click the icon shown in the memory media bar under the image screen.
To set date for the camera. After setup, date of the camera will automatically
To set time for the camera. After setup, time of the camera will automatically
Choose button OK or press the joystick directly to save the change; choose button Cancel
or press button C directly to cancel change. Then the dialog box will be closed and the
original image status will be resumed.
Option Function
Click option Function with the touch pen or press the joystick to select it. Then the
Function dialog box appears on the screen.
Clicking each option box with the touch pen or pressing button S can toggle between the
options. Clicking each value respectively with the touch pen or moving the joystick up or
down can alter values of the option.
To choose one from 4 users for speech template. When setting its value to be 1,
the user is No. 1 user and the speech template is that of No.1 user’s. Then after activating