GÜDE 1/2

Store the cleaning cloths and other combustible 
material in sealed metal containers. These containers 
must be disposed according to local, national and 
regional provisions. 
When the appliance is operated the air pressure MUST 
NOT exceed 6.3 bar. Use a pressure regulator that will 
reduce the air pressure to 6.3 bar. 
ALWAYS use the appliance in a safe distance from 
people and animals. 
Make sure the speed of rotating of accessories parts 
corresponded to the speed of rotating of the impact 
tightener or was higher.



Before starting 

Air supply 

Important information on the appliance can be found in 
model specifications. 

Lubricate the appliance before putting it into 
operation (see the Maintenance part). 



Always disconnect the air supply hose when you want 
to assembly socket nuts or extensions on the 
appliance or disassemble them from the appliance.  





Safety notice!  
Wear protective glasses! Wear ear 


Always empty water from the compressor tank and 
blow condensation out of the air hose before everyday 


Now start your compressor. The maximum service 
pressure of air is 6.3 bar. 
The power (torque) of impact tighteners under primary 
working conditions is especially determined by three 
a) service pressure used 
b) time of working step on the threaded joint. A normal 
work time for a threaded joint is 3-5 seconds on 


c) setting of the switching lever, in relation to the 
threaded joint in proportion to the impact time. 
Due to the use of threads and materials of various 
hardness there is an increased friction, which causes 
higher torque without the thread being tightened more 
firmly. At rust-stained threaded joints, use appropriate 
agents dissolving rust before using the impact 
tightener. If the threaded joints still fail to unloose after 
3 to 5 seconds of impact time it is necessary to use a 
one lever bigger impact tightener. Do not overload the 

impact tightener above the specified power limit as it 
dramatically shortens the service life of the appliance. 
NOTE: The tightening torque on the threaded joint is 
directly connected with the thread firmness, appliance 
revolutions, condition of the power socket nuts used 
and time of use of the impact tightener at the given 
screwing. Use as direct and simple connection 
between the appliance and power socket nut as 
possible. Any extra connection and extension absorb 
and reduce the power. 


Picture 2 shows setting of enabling torques 


Pic. 2 A:

   Full enabling torque 

1,500 Nm


Pic. 2 B:

   Tightening torque, partial load 

300 Nm 

Pic. 2 C:

   Tightening torque, half load 

800 Nm


Pic. 2 D:

   Tightening torque, full load 

1,000 Nm



Maintenance and treatment 




1.  Disconnect the impact tightener from air 


2.  Add 4-6 drops of GUDE pneumatic oil, Order 

No. 40060 (we recommend the GÜDE mist 
lubricator, Order No. 41354) or corresponding 
oil to air inlet with the starter being pressed. 

3.  Now reconnect the appliance with air supply 

and leave it run for app. 30 seconds so that 
the surplus oil flowed out. 


This lubricating process corresponds to the reduction 
of humidity, dust and impurities that are in course of 
time deposited, when the appliance is used, in each 
compressor and thus reduce its power. This is best 
prevented by integrated oil tanks. 



Safety notice! Leaked oil can cause 
serious injuries. Cover the top of oil outlet 
after cloth greasing and leave the 
appliance run for several seconds so that 
surplus oil could safely flow out. Keep the 
cloth in a safe distance from the rotary 


The air hose must be disassembled and larger volume 
of pneumatic oil poured to the air inlet each three 
months or if the impact tightener is used only 
sometimes. Reconnect the air hose and leave the 
impact tightener run for app. 30 seconds so that the 
compressor engine was cleaned. Follow the lubrication 
instructions after cleaning. 


Failure removal 



Possible cause 

Solving the problem 

Insufficient air pressure 

Check the air pressure on the air 
inlet. It must be 6.3 bar. 

Air pressure set low 

Increase the pressure to 6.3 bar  

Impact tightener must be oil-

See the Lubrication 

Impact tightener must be cleaned 

See the Maintenance 

Impact tightener is not working or is 
running slowly 

Air hose not tight 

Tighten all hose screwed joints 



Содержание 1/2" PRO

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Страница 19: ...k Oplossing van problemen Onvoldoende luchtdruk Controleer de luchtdruk aan de luchtinlaat Deze dient 6 3 bar te zijn Laag ingestelde luchtdruk Verhoog de druk naar 6 3 bar Slagschroevendraaier dient geolied te worden Zie smering Slagschroevendraaier dient gereinigd te worden Zie onderhoud Het slagschroevendraaier functioneert niet of loopt langzaam De luchtslang is niet dicht Draai alle slangbeve...

Страница 20: ...y Warning Warning Attention Commands Read the Operating Instructions before use Wear earphones Wear protective glasses Wear a respirator Environment protection Dispose the waste professionally in order not to pollute the environment Packing cardboard material may be delivered to collecting centres for recycling Any damaged or disposed electric or electronic devices must be delivered to appropriate...

Страница 21: ...d left run is in a correct position Do not put the appliance into operation before the power socket nuts are firmly and correctly seated on the screw head or nut Regularly check the pneumatic hose and all connectors for wear Use the quick acting coupling as recommended for assembly only Carry the appliance with its handle not the hose In such cases your hand must not be near the operating button e...

Страница 22: ...The tightening torque on the threaded joint is directly connected with the thread firmness appliance revolutions condition of the power socket nuts used and time of use of the impact tightener at the given screwing Use as direct and simple connection between the appliance and power socket nut as possible Any extra connection and extension absorb and reduce the power Picture 2 shows setting of enab...

Страница 23: ...it Avertissement Avertissement attention Consignes Lisez le mode d emploi avant l utilisation Portez une protection auditive Portez des lunettes de protection Portez un masque Protection de l environnement Liquidez les déchets de manière à ne pas nuire à l environnement Déposez l emballage en carton au dépôt pour recyclage Déposez les appareils électriques ou électroniques défectueux et ou destiné...

Страница 24: ...nt de l appareil Adoptez une posture stable et sûre et une position de travail avant d utiliser l appareil Contrôlez avant chaque utilisation si la puissance est correctement réglée Un réglage incorrect peut engendrer la fissuration ou la rupture du raccord à vis ou des mouvements incontrôlables de l appareil Avant de mettre l appareil en marche assurez vous si le bouton de commutation pour la mar...

Страница 25: ... la durée de choc L utilisation des vis et matériaux de diverses duretés engendre l augmentation de la friction ce qui provoque l augmentation du moment de torsion sans serrer plus fort la vis Si le raccord à vis est rouillé veuillez utilisez un produit adéquat pour dissoudre la rouille avant d utiliser la clé à choc Si le raccord à vis ne cède pas après 3 à 5 secondes il est nécessaire d utiliser...

Страница 26: ...d air Elle doit s élever à 6 3 bars Pression d air réglée trop bas Augmentez la pression à 6 3 bars La clé à choc doit être graissée à l huile Voir Graissage La clé à choc doit être nettoyée Voir Entretien La clé à choc ne fonctionne pas ou fonctionne au ralenti Le tuyau d air n est pas étanche Serrez tous les raccords à vis du tuyau 26 ...

Страница 27: ...o leggere il Manuale d Uso Utilizzare sempre la protezione dell udito Utilizzare gli occhiali di protezione Utilizzare il respiratore Tutela dell ambiente Smaltire i rifiuti in modo professionale che non sia inquinato l ambiente Il materiale d imballo di cartone può essere consegnato al Centro di raccolta allo scopo di riciclo Gli apparecchi elettrici elettronici difettosi e o da smaltire devono e...

Страница 28: ... sul dado Controllare periodicamente il flessibile pneumatico e tutti raccordi dal punto di vista dell usura Il raccordo rapido utilizzare solo secondo i consigli per montaggio Trasportare l apparecchio reggendolo sul manico invece sul flessibile La Vostra mano in tal caso non si deve trovare né in vicinanza al pulsante di funzione Non tentare di reggere l apparecchio oppure guidare sulle noci fem...

Страница 29: ...ella bullonatura Tra l apparecchio e noce femmina di potenza utilizzare un collegamento più retto e più semplice Ogni collegamento ed allunga in più assorbe e diminuisce la potenza La figura 2 illustra l impostazione delle coppie d allentamento Fig 2 A Massima coppia d allentamento 1500 Nm Fig 2 B Coppia di serramento carico parziale 300 Nm Fig 2 C Coppia di serramento semicarico 800 Nm Fig 2 D Co...
