Backshield with Three Augers for Standard and Low Capacity Sweeps (33 ft. – 42 ft. Bins).............92
Backshield with Three Augers for Improved Wear Standard Sweeps (33 ft. – 42 ft. Bins) ................94
Backshield with Three Augers for Standard and Low Capacity Short Sweeps (33 ft. – 42 ft.
Backshield with Three Augers for Improved Wear Short Sweeps (33 ft. – 42 ft. Bins) ......................98
Backshield with Four Augers for Standard and Low Capacity Sweeps (48 ft. Bins) ....................... 100
Backshield with Four Augers for Improved Wear Standard Sweeps (48 ft. Bins) ........................... 102
Backshield with Four Augers for Standard and Low Capacity Short Sweeps (48 ft. Bins)............... 104
Backshield with Four Augers for Improved Wear Short Sweeps (48 ft. Bins)................................. 106
Backshield Connections .......................................................................................................... 108
Sweep Wheel ......................................................................................................................... 109
8" and 10" Standard Duty and IW Standard Duty