Operation Instructions
Phase 4 - Enrolling Door Controls
Step Description
3. Once all Door Controls are enrolled onto the network – go back to the
PC application and click ‘Secure Network’ button.
–this safeguards the systems and secures the network.
4. Select each Door on the application and configure individual settings such
as Door Name, Timed Actions, Relay Times, Ajar Times, Door Option and
Alarm Options etc.
Timed Actions:
: A timezone must be selected in ‘Timed Actions’ for one of the
options: Card and PIN, Any Card, Card or PIN , or PIN only.
If all of these are set to ‘inactive’ then access will be denied for all cards
and PINs on that Door Control.
Example: To Enable PIN codes only on a Wi-PIN&Prox:
Set the Timed Action “Card or PIN” to “Inactive” and set the Timed
Action “PIN Only” to “All day,Every Day”. This will grant access for PIN
codes and deny access for cards and fobs.
Phase 5 - Configuring Users
Step Description
1. Enable a User by ticking the ‘Enabled’ box for each User.
2. Assign a Name to the User
3. Assign a UserGroup from the drop-down menu. The Usergroup will
determine the access levels for this User. Refer to section on page 18
‘Configuring Access Levels’ for information on User Groups.
4. Assign a Card , PIN number or enroll FingerPrints for the User. Refer to
section FingerPrint Enrolment on page 19
Click ‘save’ to transmit these changes to the Controller.
Operation Instructions