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Grundium Ltd. | Hermiankatu 6-8F | 33720 Tampere, Finland |

First use with a WLAN connection 

To use a WLAN connection, you need:

•  The name of the WLAN (SSID) provided by the scanner and your 

password. These are found on the label at the bottom of the scanner 
or on the sticker attached to quick start guide.

•  The name and password of the WLAN to which the scanner connects 

for an Internet access. Contact your system administrator for 
assistance, if needed.

1. Attach the power cable to the scanner and plug the cable in a wall 

outlet. The power button shows a breathing green light.

2. Press the power button. The power button flashes red. Once the 

scanner is switched on and acts as a WLAN access point, the power 
button shows a steady purple light.

3. Open the WLAN settings in your computer or tablet and search for 

available networks.

4. Connect to “Ocus_XX” WLAN (XX is replaced by the two last digits of 

the scanner’s serial number). The password for the scanner WLAN 
can be found on the label at the bottom of the scanner or on the 
sticker attached to quick start guide (image 4). If the computer asks 
for a PIN code instead of a password, switch to using a passphrase.

5. Open the browser in your computer or tablet and type the following 

in the browser’s address field:

6. Follow the instructions on your computer or tablet to connect the 

scanner to a WLAN that has access to the Internet.

7. Follow the instructions on your computer or tablet to register a new 

user account or to use an existing one. The account enables you to 
use the scanner.

You can also create a new team. A team enables you to share the 
scanner with other team members. If you want to join an existing team, 
ask someone from the team to add you. See instructions for creating a 
new team in

3. Log in to the scanner

Log in to the scanner with Internet connection

1. Open the browser in your computer or tablet and type

2. Type your e-mail address and password and press 



3. Select your team and the scanner you want to use, and press 

Connect to device


Log in to the scanner with direct WLAN connection

1. Open the WLAN settings from your computer or tablet and connect 

to WLAN provided by the scanner (WLAN name/SSID and password 
can be found from the sticker on the bottom of the device).

2. Open the browser in your computer or tablet and type

3. Type your e-mail address and password and press 



4. Start scanning


 Both in local or remote use, remember to keep at least 10cm free 

space around the scanner. Make sure that nobody touches the scanner 
when the stage is moving.

1. On your computer or tablet, press 

Eject slide tray


2. Push the lever underneath the cover plate left to open the slide 

holder (image 5). 

3. Place the slide on the scanner so that the sticker end is on the right.

4. Push the lever right to secure the slide.

5. Press 

New scan

 to take an overview image.

6. To zoom the specimen, use your mouse scroll, or press +, - or 1:1 

next to zoom bar on display. 


 The image is saved automatically to the scanner’s hard drive. If 

you want to give the image a specific name, write the name in the 


name field




Image 5. 

Open the slide holder and place the slide on the scanner

7. For best results, scanners mechanical focus needs to be adjusted for 

each sample, especially if slide thickness has even slightly changed. 
To do this, press 

Activate live view

 and pick a target area using the 

cross-hair cursor or zoom in to 100%. Use the focus knob on the 
scanner to adjust the focus. 

Quick tip

 dialog will assist you with knob 

directions. Focus is properly adjusted, when 

Focus in range

 is shown 

on screen.


 You can use the scanner in live view for quick viewing of details 

on a slide. Image can be panned by dragging the image with mouse or 

8. Press 

Add area

 and select one or more area you want to scan. To 

adjust the areas further, drag the borders of the areas. Estimated 
scan time is shown on screen. 


Focus not in range

 is shown on screen, you need to adjust the 

mechanical focus.


To quickly remove extra areas from the selected scanning area, 


Trim all areas


9. Press


 to start the scanning. The remaining scan time is shown 

on screen and once the scan is completed, the scanned areas are 
marked to the overview image and you can zoom into them. 

View the images

To view your saved images, press 

Scan archive

. To move back to the 

microscope view, press 



Export an image

You can transfer images from the scan archive to a cloud service or a 
USB drive.

1. Press 

Scan archive


2. If you want to transfer the images to a USB drive, insert the drive to 

the USB port at the back of the scanner (image 3).

3. Select the image you want to export and press 

Open image


4. Select the area to be exported either by pressing 

Select all scanned 



Add area


5. Press 


 for selecting the export destination and file format.

Switch o

  the scanner

There are two ways to switch off the scanner:

1. In the microscope view, press 

Change slide


Eject slide tray





 If you are preparing the scanner for transportation, remove the 

slide from the scanner at this phase.

2.  Press the power button.

During the shutdown, the power key blinks red. When the scanner is 
switched off, the power key shows a breathing green light.

Keep the software up to date

From time to time, Grundium provides software updates. When a new 
update is available, you will get a notification and instructions on how 

to update the software. Scanner intended usage flow must be verified 
after each software update. This involves testing at least that the 
connectivity, scanning and exporting function properly.

Clean the scanner

1. Switch off the scanner.

2. Remove the power cable and the network cable from the scanner.

3. Turn the focus knob until the camera lens is in the uppermost 


4. Slide the topmost plate to the front and carefully remove the cover 

plate by pushing for example the tip of a pen to the small hole under 
the right edge of the cover plate.


 when removing the cover plate, be careful not to damage any 

optics in the scanner.

5. Wipe all surfaces with a soft, damp, lint-free cloth. You can use a 

microscope detergent, for example Reagena, which consists of 
Propan-2-ol and ammonia. (The Ocus® scanner has been tested 
with the Reagena microscope detergent.)

Image 6. 

Remove the cover plate

6. Put the cover plate back.

7. Slide the topmost plate back to its normal position.

8. Connect the cables and switch the scanner on. Verify with known 

sample slide that:

  - overview camera produces good quality

- live view from microscope camera produces good quality
- scanning of known area produces good quality.

Taking scanner to another location

When you pack the scanner in carrying case make sure that objective is 
in uppermost position and screw transportation pin to its’ place. During 
transportation, the scanner should be kept in upright position when 
possible. Always verify the operation and performance of the scanner 
after transportation.

Product and safety information

Keep the scanner dry. Precipitation, humidity, and all types of liquids or 
moisture can contain minerals that corrode electronic circuits.

Use only dry and clean slides. Drying liquid substances can jam the slide 
holder mechanism. Spill of liquid on slide support glass may cause the 
liquid to leak to internal parts and lead to malfunction.

Do not use or store the scanner in dusty or dirty areas. Use the 
protective cover when the scanner is not in use.

Scanner can be stored in temperatures b1 and +70 degrees of 
Celsius (34 to 158 Fahrenheit) without special measures, provided that 
condensing humidity conditions are not present. 

Scanner can be stored in temperatures between -20 and +70 degrees 
of Celsius (-4 to 158 Fahrenheit)  in an airtight container to prevent 
the moisture forming inside the device. The container must be opened 
only after it has warmed up to normal room temperature (+15 to +25 
degrees of Celsius or 59 to 77 Fahrenheit). Airtight carrying case is 
available for purchase at Grundium.

Use the scanner in temperatures between 10 and 40 degrees Celsius 
(10 to 104 Fahrenheit). 

Do not open the scanner. Only qualified personnel may install or repair 
this product. Unauthorized modifications may damage the scanner. 


 Warranty expires if scanner’s seals are broken.

Do not drop, knock, or shake the scanner. Rough handling can break it 
or deteriorate its performance.

Only use a soft, clean, dry, lint-free cloth to clean the surface of the 
scanner. Use only a detergent that suits microscopes. 

Keep the scanner away from magnets or magnetic fields, as they may 
affect the scanner’s operation.


Always return your used electronic products and packaging materials 
to dedicated collection points. This way you help prevent uncontrolled 
waste disposal and promote the recycling of materials. 
