Displaying Data Information in FM Mode.
To display data informations repeatedly press the INFO button to select the data information
required. The display will show the data information on the bottom line of the LCD display.The
following LCD display screens show typical examples of data information shown on the bottom
line of each screen:
Scrolling Text Information
Scrolling text information is supplied by the FM station broadcaster. It may show information
such as music titles or details of the program.“No Radio Text” will be displayed if the FM
station does not broadcast RDS.
Program Type
This is a description of the type of program provided by the broadcaster.
“NO PTY” will be shown if the FM station does not broadcast RDS.
Time and Date
This displays the time and date and is provided by the broadcaster. “NO CT” will be shown if
the FM station does not broadcast RDS.
This displays the transmission frequency of the station playing.
Program Name
Scrolling Text Information
Program Type
Current Time and Date
ABC Radio 4 RDS
he Bank of Australia
ABC Radio 4 RDS
Current Affairs
ABC Radio 4 RDS
08:44 03-06-2006
ABC Radio 4 RDS
91.80 MHz FM