Revision date: 01.01.16
After the site is prepared, lay out the building site.
Taking these steps
assembling the shelter saves
time and ensures that the structure is positioned as
Ground posts must be driven to the proper depth. Width of
the shelter is measured from the center of one ground post
to the center of the remaining ground post.
Gather the parts:
• Ground posts (#104543)
• Tek screws (#FA4482B)
1. Identify a corner where a ground post will be positioned
and drive the first ground post into the ground.
Insert the ground post driver into the top of the
ground post to protect the post and drive the post into
the ground.
The top of the post must be six (6) inches
above the finished grade when properly driven.
2. After the first corner ground post is in place, string a
line the width of the building (8' center-to-center) and
drive the second ground post into the ground just
enough to hold it in place.
3. Use a transit or line level to drive the second corner
post to the same depth as the first ground post.
4. Sting a line at least as long as the building from the first
stake at 90°.
A transit can be used to ensure an accurate 90°
angle, or the 3-4-5 rule can be used. Refer to diagram.
Using multiples of 3-4-5 such as 6-8-10 or 12-16-20
helps to maintain an accurate 90° angle.
5. After squaring the position of the building, measure the
length and drive the next corner ground post.
6. Repeat the same step for the last corner post.
The distance measured diagonally between
corner posts must be equal for the building to be
7. Check all dimensions (and adjust if needed) before
driving the remaining posts to the required height.
8. After all corner posts are accurately installed, tie a
string line between the tops of the corner ground posts
on the same side of the shelter. The string is used to
identify the tops of all remaining ground posts. The
string must remain tight and level.
9. Use a tape measure to mark the five (5) foot on-center
locations of the remaining ground posts.
10. Drive the remaining ground posts into the ground at
the required five (5) foot on-center width and the height
identified by the string.
Verify that each post is plumb and driven to the
correct depth.
After the rafters have been assembled, the rafter ends
are secured to the ground post.
11. Continue with the
Rafter Assembly
steps that follow.