LineIQ Battery Charger
28 Aug 2012 Edition 1.0 Page 10 of 13
Document No. : GSN-DC-103
3. Connect the power supply cable to a General Purpose Outlet (GPO). Leave the GPO
switched off.
4. Ensure that each LineIQ Connection Cable is open circuit
– i.e. separate the negative
(black) banana plug from the positive (red) banana plug.
5. Switch on the GPO to energise the power supply.
6. Confirm that the red Power LED on the front panel of the LineIQ charger is illuminated.
7. Check that the green LED above each LineIQ Connection Cable does not illuminate.
Connecting a LineIQ Charger to the LineIQ
1. Insert RED banana plug into LineIQ (+) terminal.
Figure 8: Positive (red) terminal connection
2. Insert BLACK banana plug into LineIQ (-) terminal.
Figure 9: Negative (black) terminal connection