7 | Maintenance
G 1720
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Read the following handling instructions before replacing batteries and follow them
step by step. If disregarded, the product could be damaged or the protection from
moisture could be diminished.
Proceed as follows to replace the batteries.
– The product is switched off.
– A suitable PH1 is available
1. Unscrews the Phillips screws and remove the cover.
2. Carefully replace the two Mignon AA batteries. Ensure that the polarity is correct!
It must be possible to insert the batteries in the correct position without using
3. The O-ring must be undamaged, clean and positioned at the intended depth. In or-
der to facilitate assembly and avoid damage, a suitable grease can be applied.
4. Fit the cover on evenly. The O-ring must remain at the intended depth!
5. Tighten the Phillips screws.
Outcome of an action
The product is now ready for use again.
7.3 Calibration and adjustment service
7.3.1 Certificates
The certificates are categorised as ISO calibration certificates and DAkkS calibration
certificates. The purpose of the calibration is to verify the precision of the measuring
device by comparing it with a traceable reference.
The ISO standard 9001 is applied for the calibration certificates. These certificates
area affordable alternative to the DAkkS calibration certificates and provide informa-
tion of the traceable reference, a list of individual values and documentation.
The DAkkS calibration is based on DIN EN ISO/17025, the accreditation basis recog-
nised worldwide. These certificates offer high-quality calibration and consistently high
quality. DAkkS calibration certificates can only be issued by accredited calibration
laboratories which have demonstrated their expertise in accordance with DIN EN ISO/
IEC 17025. The ISO calibration includes any necessary adjustment with the purpose
of minimising a deviation of the measuring device.
DAkkS calibration certificates are accompanied with a list of individual measurements
before and after the adjustment, documentation and, if applicable, graphic representa-
tion, calculation of the expanded measuring uncertainty and traceability to the national