How to use GPT-E1303 (Advanced type) /
GPT-E1305 (Multi-purpose extractor)
KEMPO JuiceExtractor
Disassembly for GPT-E1303 (St Exclusive Pro type) /
GPT-E1305 (Multi-purpose extractor)
KEMPO JuiceExtractor
Push the handle pin backward and
down direction.
Remove the Pulp Discharging Part
from the Body.
Remove the Stainless-steel Screen
using the longer side of the Multi-
purpose Gear.
Remove the Screen from the Body.
Slowly turn the Feeding Chute Handle by
180 degrees in the clockwise direction.
(The handle may run idle and may be
damaged if it is turned fast.)
Separate the Feeding Chute Cover
from the Body by lifting it upward.
Turn the Nozzle to the left to remove.
Unplug and assemble in the following order.
SSppeecciiaalliizzeedd nnoozzzzlleess -- SSeelleecctt aa nnoozzzzllee ddeeppeennddiinngg oonn iinnggrreeddiieennttss ttoo bbee eexxttrraacctteedd..
W (Wheatgrass)
1. Wheatgrass 2. Melon 3. Oriental
melon 4. Pear (Hard) 5. Houttuynia
cordata Thunberg
T-L (Big-sized tomato)
1. Tomato (Big) 2. Wild grape
G-S (Grape with seeds,
small-sized grapes)
1. Grape (With seeds)
G-L (Seedless grapes,
big-sized grapes)
1. Grape (Seedless) 2. Apple (Hard) 3.
Melon (With seeds) 4. Celery 5. Soymilk
P-S (Small-sized pomegranate)
1. Pomegranate (Small seeds)
2. Apple (Hard)
P-L (Big-sized pomegranate)
1. Pomegranate (Big seeds)
W.M (Watermelon)
1. Watermelon 2. Water parsley 3. Pear
(Hard) 4. Mugwort
5. Paprika 6. Chives
O (Orange)
1. Orange 2. Pear (Soft) 3. Apple (Soft)
4. Cherry tomato
5. Grapefruit 6. Tangerine
7. Celery 8. Spinach
Multi-purpose Gear + Fruit Wheatgrass Screen Crush Screen Pulp Discharging Part + Nozzle (Select a type) +
Feeding Chute Cover + Fruit Pusher
(The juice from fruits with high viscosity like strawberry and tomato are not solely extracted. In that case, take the minced fruit as porridge type
or insert other fruits alternately in the middle of its extraction.)
Since fiber nature varies depending on the season, please change the nozzle for the effective use of extractor.
The Stainless-steel Screen must be used for seeded fruits like pomegranate and grapes < Stainless-steel Screen> (The use of the Fruit
Screen in the extraction of seeded fruits or vegetables may result into damaging the screen.)
The Fruit Screen may be used instead of the Stainless-steel Screen when extracting seedless fruits. (The Fruit Screen is easy to clean.)