2. Mount the water rudder assembly in the location shown in
the above photo. The top of the mounting bracket should be
3/4" [19mm] from the top of the float, on the centerline of the
transom (rear of the float). Mark the location of the holes in the
mounting bracket on the transom. Drill a 5/64" [2mm] hole at
the marked locations and mount the water rudder assembly to
the transom with two #4 x 1/2" [12.7mm] sheet metal screws
and two #4 flat washers.
3. Drill a 25/64" [9.9mm] hole in the transom of the float
as shown. This hole must be drilled very carefully as there
is a wood block installed in the transom for mounting the
water rudder assembly. If the hole is drilled too close to the
water rudder assembly, the drill bit will catch on the edge of
the wood block, causing the drill bit to twist sideways. Hold
the float up to a strong light so that you can determine
where the edge of this block is located. Drill the hole as
close to the water rudder assembly as possible, while still
missing the wood block. If you can't locate the edge of the
wood block, drill a locating hole as noted in the photo. If the
locating hole hits wood, drill another hole farther over.
Note: If you don’t have a 25/64" [9.9mm] drill use a 3/8" [9.5mm]
drill, and then slightly enlarge the hole with a hobby knife.
4. Cut the .074 x 17-1/2 [445mm] wire pushrod to a
length of 12" [25.4mm]. Cut the threaded portion of the wire
off, leaving a 12" [25.4mm] wire with no threads. Make a
small bend 3/4" [19mm] from the end of the wire. Insert the
wire into the rubber bushing.
5. Insert the wire and rubber bushing into the hole you
drilled in the transom. The rubber bushing is easier to insert
if you stretch it on the wire as it is inserted. Use a
screwdriver to carefully poke it through as needed. The
rubber bushing is now inside the float. Secure the rubber
bushing to the transom with some silicone rubber glue or
medium CA. Insert the wire into the screw-lock connector.
6. Mark the location of the hole in the servo arm on the
servo mounting rail and on the wire pushrod. Make sure that
the water rudder is centered and the pushrod is centered in
the screw-lock connector.
7. Make a 90-degree bend in the wire at the mark. The
bend should face the right side of the float as shown in the
photo. Enlarge the middle hole of the servo arm with a 5/64"
[2mm] drill. Insert the pushrod into the servo arm and
secure it with a Faslink connector. Remove the screw and
servo arm from the servo. Plug the servo into the receiver
and center the trims on the transmitter. Turn the radio on,
and then push the servo arm onto the servo with the arm at
90 degrees to the servo. Install the mounting screw into the
servo arm. Turn the radio off and unplug the servo.