17. The same as the elevators, drill a 3/32" hole in the
rudder for the tail gear wire and cut a groove to accommodate
the bearing.
18. Apply petroleum jelly to the tail wheel bearing where
the wire passes through. This will prevent the wire from being
glued to the bearing. Permanently join the rudder to the fin
using 30-minute epoxy to glue the “arm” portion of the tail
gear wire into the rudder. Use thin CA to glue in the hinges.
❏ ❏
1. Cut two 1-3/8"-long wheel pant mounts from the
1/8" x 7/8" x 6" plywood strip. Stack one mount on top of the
other, then drill a 3/16" hole through the center of both
mounts at the same time. Enlarge the hole in one of the
mounts to 1/2". Note: Drawing diagonal lines, from corner to
corner as shown, will help locate the center of the wheel
pant mounts.
❏ ❏
2. Glue the mounts together with the holes centered
over each other.
❏ ❏
3. Holding one of the wheel pants as shown in the
photo (with the front of the pant toward the left), insert a
wheel into the pant and center it in the opening. Use a felt-tip
pen to mark the side of the pant over the hole in the wheel.
Refer to these photos for the following two steps.
❏ ❏
4. Use a high-speed rotary tool with a cutting bit or a
hobby knife to cut a 1/2" hole centered over the mark 1/2"
from the bottom of the pant. This is now the right wheel pant.
❏ ❏
5. Round the bottom edge of the wheel pant mount so it
fits in the pant when the 1/2" hole in the mount is centered over
the hole in the pant. Glue the mount to the pant with 30-minute
epoxy. Hint: For the most secure bond, add microballoons
(TOPR1090) or milled glass fibers (GPMR6165) to the epoxy.
❏ ❏
6. Drill 3/32" holes through the right landing gear on
both sides of the large hole for the axle.
Mount the Wheel Pants & Landing Gear