15. Thread a
nylon swivel
onto each torque rod until it
is 13/16" [20mm] from the bottom of the wing—grasping
the swivels with a paper towel square or a tissue makes
them easier to turn.
16. Mount the aileron servo in the wing. Make the aileron
pushrods as shown and attach them to the swivels. With
the servos and the ailerons centered, mark the pushrods
where they cross the servo wheels.
Quickie 500 planes do not require aileron differential, but
the pushrod hardware and torque rod confi guration on
some quickies require offsetting the pushrods
the pivot point in the servo wheel to remove the “backward”
differential (more down than up) that results. But since the
swivel clevises used on the Quik-V6 align the pivot point
of the clevis with the torque rod, the pushrods should be
installed in the servo wheel
with the pivot point as
shown so there should be no differential.
17. Use Z-bend pliers to make the Z-bends in the
pushrods, cut off the excess wire, and fi le any burrs from
the ends of the wires. Enlarge the holes in the servo wheels
with a .074" [1.9mm] drill, then connect the pushrods.
18. Use your radio to center the servo and the ailerons
adjusting the length of the pushrods as necessary. Install
silicone retainers on the clevises and the servo screw in
the servo wheel.
Check the C.G.
This is an
C.G. check. The beginning C.G. for initial
fl ights will be set after the model has been completed,
but now is a good time to do a simulated check while
you have the opportunity to conceal weight inside the tail
(should tail weight be needed) and determine the location
of the receiver and battery. Refer to
Final C.G. Check
page 31 for full C.G. information.
1. Set your Great Planes
C.G. Machine
to the starting,
recommended C.G. which is 3" [76mm], or mark a line on
the bottom of the wing noting the starting C.G. 3" [76mm]
back from the leading edge.
2. Mount the wing to the fuselage and make sure
everything else is in place including the propeller and prop
nut, fuel tank, landing gear, servos and servo hatch cover.
Also have your receiver battery and receiver nearby and
the thin, plywood tail covers, the tail skid wire and some
MonoKote approximately equal to the amount of MonoKote
that will be used to cover the tail. Alternately, you could
substitute a quarter, which approximately simulates the
weight of the tail covers, skid wire and covering (about 5.5g).
3. Place the receiver and battery on top of the wing in
the approximate location they will be inside the fuselage.