9. Locate the plywood fuel tank stop. Glue it in place in
the slots in the fuselage just behind the fuel tank.
10. Glue four 1/4" x 5/8" x 5/8" [6mm x15mm x15mm] cowl
mounting blocks to the fuselage, two on each side as shown
in the photo. The block should be mounted fl ush to the side
of the fuselage.
11. Locate the 1/4" x1/4" x 2" [6mm x 6mm x 51mm] triangle
stock. Cut off four 5/8" lengths and epoxy them to the fi rewall
and the cowl mounting blocks as shown.
12. Drill a 3/16" [4.8mm] hole through the fi rewall in line
with the engine throttle arm and the throttle servo inside of
the fuselage. Cut the plastic 12" [305mm] pushrod tube to a
length of 4" [102mm]. Insert it into the hole, passing through
the fi rewall into the fuselage. Glue the tube to the fi rewall and
the former inside of the fuselage.