2. Locate the parts for the wing alignment jigs. Glue the
parts together as shown.
3. Before gluing, test fi t both wing panels into the fuse to
confi rm a proper fi t. The center spar extends into the fuse
and interlocks with the spar of the other wing panel. If both
wing panels cannot seat fl at into the wing pockets, lightly
sand the tips of the interlocking spars until they do.
4. Note: This step must be performed on a clean, fl at
work surface. Thoroughly coat the root ribs of the wing
panels and the wing pockets in the fuse with 30-minute
epoxy and slide them into place. Do not put epoxy on the
interlocking spars at this time. Being sure that the wing
panels are fully seated into the wing pockets, position the
wing alignment jigs underneath the second from the outside
wing ribs. The fuse must lay fl at on its bottom side as shown.
These jigs will ensure that the wings are glued straight in the
fuse. Use a weight to hold the fuse down against your work
surface as well as the wings against the alignment jigs (we
used a sock fi lled with sand). Clean up any excess epoxy on
the outside of the wings where they meet the fuse, with a
paper towel dampened with denatured alcohol and allow the
epoxy to cure undisturbed.
5. Test fi t the plywood spar doublers to the front and back
of the wing spars. The aft spar doubler will need to be lightly
sanded or cut to fi t between the fuse sides. When satisfi ed
with the fi t, coat one side of each spar doubler as well as
the front and back of the spars with epoxy. Fit the spars into
position and use clamps to hold the doubler in place while
the epoxy cures. The bottom edges of the doublers should
be fl ush with the bottom of the wing spars.