Join the Bottom Wing to the Fuselage
The bottom wing is done fi rst so it can be used as a reference
for aligning the horizontal stabilizer.
1. Use a sharp hobby knife to cut the skin from the top of
the bottom wing over the landing gear slots. Also cut the skin
from the slots near both ends of the wing for the struts.
2. Using a pin with a straightedge as a guide, perforate
the skin of the bottom wing between the outer strut slots
as shown, but don’t poke the holes all the way through to
the bottom. These perforations will strengthen the glue bond
between the struts and wing.
3. Test fi t the bottom wing to the fuselage. When satisfi ed
with the fi t, apply a generous bead of foam-safe CA to both
wing saddles on the fuselage, and then place the wing into
position. Also glue the leading and trailing edges of the wings
to the balsa formers.
Join the Stab and Fin to the Fuselage
1. Glue the vertical stabilizer (fi n) to the horizontal stabilizer
(stab) using a small builder’s square to make sure they are
Don’t build up a large fi llet of CA. Later,
after the model has been completed, all of the glue joints
will be reinforced with white glue (such as R/C 56 or regular
white glue).