location of the mounting holes and then drill a 1/16" [1.6mm]
hole through each of the marks and through the elevator.
Secure the control horn to the aileron with two 2 x10mm
[3/8"] screws and the nylon control horn plate.
5. Install a servo into the other servo opening in the
servo tray. Remove three of the four arms from the servo
horn leaving the longest arm in place. Enlarge the last hole
in the servo arm with a #57 drill. Install an aluminum screw
lock connector into the hole and lock it in place with a nylon
retainer. Install a set screw into the screw lock connector.
Install the servo into the opening on the right side of the
fuselage using the hardware that came with the servo. Center
the servo and install the servo arm as shown.
6 Install the remaining .95 x 360mm [14"] long pushrod
wires into the right side of the fuselage, sliding it into the servo
compartment. Slide the wire into the hole in the screw lock
connector and lightly tighten the set screw against the wire.
7. Install a screw lock connector into the outer hole of a
control horn. Slide the screw lock connector onto the pushrod
wire. Examine this picture, taking note of the hinge line of the
rudder. Then position the control horn so the outer mounting
hole is in line with the hinge line. Mark the location of the
mounting hole. Then drill a 1/16" [1.6mm] hole through each
of the marks and through the rudder. Secure the control horn
to the aileron with two 2 x 25mm [1"] screws and the nylon
control horn plate.
Install the Speed Control,
Receiver and Batteries
1. From the adhesive hook and loop material provided
with the kit, cut a piece large enough to fi t the back of your
receiver. Adhere one side of the hook and loop to the receiver
and the other side to the plywood receiver mounting tray
located inside the fuselage in the wing pod.
2. Cut the 24" [610mm] plastic antenna tube to a length of
18" [457mm]. Insert the receiver antenna into the tube.
3. Install the receiver onto the hook and loop material you
installed and place the antenna tube along the side of the fuselage,
securing it with a couple of drops of glue to the fuselage.