battery pack. Also use some self-adhesive hook and loop
material to join the 11.1V and 7.4V packs together. The straps
you made in step 4 are used to securely hold the battery
packs onto the tray. Test fi t your packs onto the tray and cut
the straps to the desired length. Now would also be a good
time to confi rm the correct rotation of the motor using the ESC
and radio system. If the motor rotates in the wrong direction,
unhook any two motor leads and swap their positions.
Assemble & Install the Landing Gear
1. While fi tting the axle end of the main landing gear legs
into the main wheel pants, slide a 5/32" [4mm] wheel collar
onto each axle followed by a 2-1/2" [64mm] wheel and then
another 5/32" [4mm] wheel collar. Mark the location of the
threaded holes in the wheel collars onto the axles. Use a
fi le or rotary tool such as a Dremel to grind fl at spots at the
marks on the axles.
2. Reinstall the wheel pants, wheel collars and wheels
onto the axles. Thread a 6-32 x 1/4" [6mm] SHCS into each
wheel collar with threadlocking compound and tighten the
screws against the fl at spots on the axles. Be sure that the
wheels rotate freely on the axles. Oil the axles if necessary.
3. Place a landing gear strap over each gear leg and mark
the locations for the screw holes. Drill 3/32" [2.4mm] holes
at your marks, being sure not to drill into the wheels. Install
a strap onto each pant using two #4 x 3/8" [9.5mm] self-
tapping screws. Reinforce the holes with thin CA.
4. Fit the main landing gear legs into the slots in the
underside of the wing panels. Position two nylon landing gear
straps over each landing gear leg at a 45° angle as shown.
Mark the locations of the screw holes onto the wing and drill
holes at your marks using a 3/32" [2.4mm] drill bit. Secure the
landing gear legs to the wing panels using the nylon landing
gear straps and #4 x 1/2" [13mm] self-tapping screws.
5. Install the nose wheel pant and wheel onto the nose gear
wire in the same manner as you did the main landing gear.