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Duration of validity
This declaration only applies to claims made to us during the claim period as stated in this declaration. The claim
period is 24 months from the date of purchase of the product by the consumer from a dealer in the Federal Re-
public of Germany (date of purchase). If a defect arises after the end of the claim period, or if the evidence or
documents required according to this declaration in order to make the claim valid are not presented until after
this period, then the consumer forfeits any rights or claims from this declaration.
Limitation by lapse of time
If we do not acknowledge the validity of a claim based on this declaration within the claim period, all claims
based on this declaration are barred by the statute of limitations after six months from the time of implementa-
tion; however, this cannot occur before the end of the claim period.
Applicable law
This declaration, and the claims, rights and obligations arising from it, are based exclusively on the pertinent
German Law, without the norms of international private law, and excluding UN retail law.
Important safety notes
You have acquired a kit which can be assembled into a fully working RC model when fitted out with suitable
accessories. However, we as manufacturers have no control over the way you build and operate your RC model
boat, nor how you install, operate and maintain the associated components, and for this reason we are obliged
to deny all liability for loss, damage or costs which are incurred due to the incompetent or incorrect use and op-
eration of our products, or which are connected with such operation in any way. Unless otherwise prescribed by
binding law, the obligation of the GRAUPNER company to pay compensation, regardless of the legal argument
employed, is excluded. This includes personal injury, death, damage to buildings, damage due to loss of busi-
ness or turnover, interruption of business or other direct or indirect consequent damage whose root cause was
the operation of the model.
The total liability in all cases is limited to the amount of money which you actually paid for this model.
This model boat is built and operated at the sole and express responsibility of the operator. The only
way to avoid injury to persons and damage to property is to handle and operate the model with the
greatest care and consideration at all times.
Before you run the model for the first time please check that your private third-party insurance covers the opera-
tion of model boats of this kind. If in doubt, take out a special insurance policy designed to cover modelling risks.
These safety notes should be kept in a safe place. If you ever dispose of the model, be sure to pass them on to
the new owner.
The following points are important and must be observed at all times:
This model is not suitable for young persons under fourteen years of age.
operate the model when there are persons or animals in the water, as its high speed constitutes a
considerable injury hazard.
Do not run your model in protected sites, animal or plant sanctuaries or sites of special scientific interest
(SSSIs). Check with your local authority that the stretch of water you wish to use is suitable for model boats.
run the boat in salt water.
run the boat in adverse conditions, e.g. rain, storm, strong wind, choppy water or strong currents.
Before you run the model check that the radio control system is working reliably, and that all connections are
Dry batteries must never be recharged. Only batteries marked specifically as “rechargeable” are safe to re-
Rechargeable batteries must be fully charged before you run the model. Check the range of the radio control
system before each session. It is particularly important to check that the transmitter and receiver batteries
are fully charged before each run. A separate receiver battery is not required if you fit the recommended
BEC electronic speed controller.
Ensure that the frequency you intend to use is not already in use by other modellers. Never run your boat if
you are not certain that “your” channel is free. If there are other modellers in the vicinity it is vital to ask them
which channels they are using.
Read and observe the instructions and recommendations supplied with your radio control system and ac-