must not be glued to the wing structure. The tip rib (14) includes an integral strut
which ensures that the wings are joined with the correct dihedral.
Stage photo 6 shows the assembly
(12). It also shows the wingtip (20) and the ballast chamber plug (3). Glue the
abrasive paper to the sanding block, and weight it down with a heavy object such as
a thick book while the glue sets.
section can be marked on it. Dismantle the parts, and trim back part (12) to the
marked line using a balsa knife. Sand it to final shape using the sanding block.
your fingers, hands and body!
Stage photo 8 shows how the wing panels are joined. Allow the glued joints to set
hard before cutting off the integral struts from the tip ribs. Sand the outb
each wing before gluing the wingtips (20) in place.
Stage photo 9: pour all the trim ballast (30) into the ballast chamber, then seal the
opening with the plug (3). Glue the hardwood dowel (26) for the wing bands in the
hole in the fuselage,
the marked point, drilling exactly in the centre of the wood, then screw the towhook
(27) into it using
block, but leave the trailing edge of the tail panels and wings ‘square’.
Cut out the individual decals from the sheet, peel off the backing film and apply them
to the model in the arrangemen
the kit box if you wish.
Balancing, test
Before the model can be balanced it must be assembled completely, ready to fly: i.e.
fit the wing and tailplane. The wing is held in place using two rubber
which are slipped over the fuselage from the front; place the wing on the saddle,
then stretch the rubber bands forward, over the wing, and onto the ends of the
hardwood dowel (26). The tailplane is attached to the fuselage using a rubber band
(29) stretched from the tailskid (9) to the ends of the locating pieces (8).
The model’s Centre of Gravity (balance point) is located 55 mm aft of the wing
leading edge; as indicated by the arrow on the outer fuselage sides (1). Check the
CG by supporting t
should now balance level.
Wait for a day with little or no wind, and set the trim
flying. The ideal flying site is a large grassy field sloping gently into w
glider a hand
Once released, the model should glide in a straight, shallow path to the ground. If it
dives (glides too steeply), remove a little nose ballast. If it tends to
deflect the trim
Once the test
flights. It is particularly important to launch directly into wind when towing. If the
All of us at GRAUPNER
Parts List
must not be glued to the wing structure. The tip rib (14) includes an integral strut
which ensures that the wings are joined with the correct dihedral.
Stage photo 6 shows the assembly
(12). It also shows the wingtip (20) and the ballast chamber plug (3). Glue the
abrasive paper to the sanding block, and weight it down with a heavy object such as
a thick book while the glue sets.
Stage photo 7 shows the wing panel placed loosely against part 12, so that the airfoil
section can be marked on it. Dismantle the parts, and trim back part (12) to the
marked line using a balsa knife. Sand it to final shape using the sanding block.
Caution: serious injury risk! When using a balsa knife always cut away from
your fingers, hands and body!
Stage photo 8 shows how the wing panels are joined. Allow the glued joints to set
hard before cutting off the integral struts from the tip ribs. Sand the outb
each wing before gluing the wingtips (20) in place.
Stage photo 9: pour all the trim ballast (30) into the ballast chamber, then seal the
opening with the plug (3). Glue the hardwood dowel (26) for the wing bands in the
hole in the fuselage,
right-angles to the fuselage. Drill a 2 mm Ø hole in the underside of the fuselage at
the marked point, drilling exactly in the centre of the wood, then screw the towhook
(27) into it using
block, but leave the trailing edge of the tail panels and wings ‘square’.
Cut out the individual decals from the sheet, peel off the backing film and apply them
to the model in the arrangemen
the kit box if you wish.
Balancing, test
Before the model can be balanced it must be assembled completely, ready to fly: i.e.
fit the wing and tailplane. The wing is held in place using two rubber
which are slipped over the fuselage from the front; place the wing on the saddle,
then stretch the rubber bands forward, over the wing, and onto the ends of the
hardwood dowel (26). The tailplane is attached to the fuselage using a rubber band
29) stretched from the tailskid (9) to the ends of the locating pieces (8).
The model’s Centre of Gravity (balance point) is located 55 mm aft of the wing
leading edge; as indicated by the arrow on the outer fuselage sides (1). Check the
CG by supporting t
should now balance level.
Wait for a day with little or no wind, and set the trim
flying. The ideal flying site is a large grassy field sloping gently into w
glider a hand
Once released, the model should glide in a straight, shallow path to the ground. If it
dives (glides too steeply), remove a little nose ballast. If it tends to
deflect the trim
Once the test
flights. It is particularly important to launch directly into wind when towing. If the
model veers off to one side, correct it with the trim
All of us at GRAUPNER
Parts List
No. Description
Outer fuselage side
Ballast chamber plug
Wing saddle
Lower wing centre section
Upper wing centre section
Tailplane saddle
Tailplane locating piece
10 Wing centre section plate
11 Centre rib
12 Dihedral rail
13 Rib
14 Tip rib with dihedral strut
15 Fin
16 Trim
17 Trim
18 Fin locating piece
19 In-fill piece
20 Wingtip
21 Tailplane tip
22 Tailplane
23 Profiled wing leading edge
24 Wing trailing edge
25 Tail boom
26 Dowel
27 Tow-
28 Wing retaining band
must not be glued to the wing structure. The tip rib (14) includes an integral strut
which ensures that the wings are joined with the correct dihedral.
Stage photo 6 shows the assembly
(12). It also shows the wingtip (20) and the ballast chamber plug (3). Glue the
abrasive paper to the sanding block, and weight it down with a heavy object such as
a thick book while the glue sets.
photo 7 shows the wing panel placed loosely against part 12, so that the airfoil
section can be marked on it. Dismantle the parts, and trim back part (12) to the
marked line using a balsa knife. Sand it to final shape using the sanding block.
serious injury risk! When using a balsa knife always cut away from
your fingers, hands and body!
Stage photo 8 shows how the wing panels are joined. Allow the glued joints to set
hard before cutting off the integral struts from the tip ribs. Sand the outb
each wing before gluing the wingtips (20) in place.
Stage photo 9: pour all the trim ballast (30) into the ballast chamber, then seal the
opening with the plug (3). Glue the hardwood dowel (26) for the wing bands in the
hole in the fuselage,
angles to the fuselage. Drill a 2 mm Ø hole in the underside of the fuselage at
the marked point, drilling exactly in the centre of the wood, then screw the towhook
(27) into it using flat
block, but leave the trailing edge of the tail panels and wings ‘square’.
Cut out the individual decals from the sheet, peel off the backing film and apply them
to the model in the arrangemen
the kit box if you wish.
Balancing, test-flying
Before the model can be balanced it must be assembled completely, ready to fly: i.e.
fit the wing and tailplane. The wing is held in place using two rubber
which are slipped over the fuselage from the front; place the wing on the saddle,
then stretch the rubber bands forward, over the wing, and onto the ends of the
hardwood dowel (26). The tailplane is attached to the fuselage using a rubber band
29) stretched from the tailskid (9) to the ends of the locating pieces (8).
The model’s Centre of Gravity (balance point) is located 55 mm aft of the wing
leading edge; as indicated by the arrow on the outer fuselage sides (1). Check the
CG by supporting the model at the marked point under the wings on two fingertips: it
should now balance level.
Wait for a day with little or no wind, and set the trim
flying. The ideal flying site is a large grassy field sloping gently into w
glider a hand-launch directly into wind; push it forward rather than throwing it.
Once released, the model should glide in a straight, shallow path to the ground. If it
dives (glides too steeply), remove a little nose ballast. If it tends to
deflect the trim-rudder in the opposite direction by about 1 mm.
Once the test-glides are successful, the glider can be towed to height for longer
flights. It is particularly important to launch directly into wind when towing. If the
l veers off to one side, correct it with the trim
All of us at GRAUPNER
Parts List
Outer fuselage side
Inner fuselage side
Ballast chamber plug
Wing saddle
Lower wing centre section
Upper wing centre section
Tailplane saddle
Tailplane locating piece
Wing centre section plate
Centre rib
Dihedral rail
Tip rib with dihedral strut
Trim-rudder hinge
Fin locating piece
fill piece
Tailplane tip
Profiled wing leading edge
Wing trailing edge
Tail boom
Wing retaining band
must not be glued to the wing structure. The tip rib (14) includes an integral strut
which ensures that the wings are joined with the correct dihedral.
Stage photo 6 shows the assembly
(12). It also shows the wingtip (20) and the ballast chamber plug (3). Glue the
abrasive paper to the sanding block, and weight it down with a heavy object such as
a thick book while the glue sets.
photo 7 shows the wing panel placed loosely against part 12, so that the airfoil
section can be marked on it. Dismantle the parts, and trim back part (12) to the
marked line using a balsa knife. Sand it to final shape using the sanding block.
serious injury risk! When using a balsa knife always cut away from
your fingers, hands and body!
Stage photo 8 shows how the wing panels are joined. Allow the glued joints to set
hard before cutting off the integral struts from the tip ribs. Sand the outb
each wing before gluing the wingtips (20) in place.
Stage photo 9: pour all the trim ballast (30) into the ballast chamber, then seal the
opening with the plug (3). Glue the hardwood dowel (26) for the wing bands in the
hole in the fuselage, followed by the wing saddle (4): check that part (4) is exactly at
angles to the fuselage. Drill a 2 mm Ø hole in the underside of the fuselage at
the marked point, drilling exactly in the centre of the wood, then screw the towhook
flat-nose pliers. Sand all sharp edges smooth using the sanding
block, but leave the trailing edge of the tail panels and wings ‘square’.
Cut out the individual decals from the sheet, peel off the backing film and apply them
to the model in the arrangemen
the kit box if you wish.
Before the model can be balanced it must be assembled completely, ready to fly: i.e.
fit the wing and tailplane. The wing is held in place using two rubber
which are slipped over the fuselage from the front; place the wing on the saddle,
then stretch the rubber bands forward, over the wing, and onto the ends of the
hardwood dowel (26). The tailplane is attached to the fuselage using a rubber band
29) stretched from the tailskid (9) to the ends of the locating pieces (8).
The model’s Centre of Gravity (balance point) is located 55 mm aft of the wing
leading edge; as indicated by the arrow on the outer fuselage sides (1). Check the
he model at the marked point under the wings on two fingertips: it
should now balance level.
Wait for a day with little or no wind, and set the trim
flying. The ideal flying site is a large grassy field sloping gently into w
launch directly into wind; push it forward rather than throwing it.
Once released, the model should glide in a straight, shallow path to the ground. If it
dives (glides too steeply), remove a little nose ballast. If it tends to
rudder in the opposite direction by about 1 mm.
glides are successful, the glider can be towed to height for longer
flights. It is particularly important to launch directly into wind when towing. If the
l veers off to one side, correct it with the trim
All of us at GRAUPNER Modellbau
Outer fuselage side
fuselage side
Ballast chamber plug
Lower wing centre section
Upper wing centre section
Tailplane saddle
Tailplane locating piece
Wing centre section plate
Tip rib with dihedral strut
rudder hinge
Fin locating piece
Profiled wing leading edge
Wing trailing edge
Wing retaining band
must not be glued to the wing structure. The tip rib (14) includes an integral strut
which ensures that the wings are joined with the correct dihedral.
Stage photo 6 shows the assembly of the wing centre section from parts (5), (6) and
(12). It also shows the wingtip (20) and the ballast chamber plug (3). Glue the
abrasive paper to the sanding block, and weight it down with a heavy object such as
a thick book while the glue sets.
photo 7 shows the wing panel placed loosely against part 12, so that the airfoil
section can be marked on it. Dismantle the parts, and trim back part (12) to the
marked line using a balsa knife. Sand it to final shape using the sanding block.
serious injury risk! When using a balsa knife always cut away from
your fingers, hands and body!
Stage photo 8 shows how the wing panels are joined. Allow the glued joints to set
hard before cutting off the integral struts from the tip ribs. Sand the outb
each wing before gluing the wingtips (20) in place.
Stage photo 9: pour all the trim ballast (30) into the ballast chamber, then seal the
opening with the plug (3). Glue the hardwood dowel (26) for the wing bands in the
followed by the wing saddle (4): check that part (4) is exactly at
angles to the fuselage. Drill a 2 mm Ø hole in the underside of the fuselage at
the marked point, drilling exactly in the centre of the wood, then screw the towhook
nose pliers. Sand all sharp edges smooth using the sanding
block, but leave the trailing edge of the tail panels and wings ‘square’.
Cut out the individual decals from the sheet, peel off the backing film and apply them
to the model in the arrangement of your choice. You can copy the scheme shown on
Before the model can be balanced it must be assembled completely, ready to fly: i.e.
fit the wing and tailplane. The wing is held in place using two rubber
which are slipped over the fuselage from the front; place the wing on the saddle,
then stretch the rubber bands forward, over the wing, and onto the ends of the
hardwood dowel (26). The tailplane is attached to the fuselage using a rubber band
29) stretched from the tailskid (9) to the ends of the locating pieces (8).
The model’s Centre of Gravity (balance point) is located 55 mm aft of the wing
leading edge; as indicated by the arrow on the outer fuselage sides (1). Check the
he model at the marked point under the wings on two fingertips: it
Wait for a day with little or no wind, and set the trim
flying. The ideal flying site is a large grassy field sloping gently into w
launch directly into wind; push it forward rather than throwing it.
Once released, the model should glide in a straight, shallow path to the ground. If it
dives (glides too steeply), remove a little nose ballast. If it tends to
rudder in the opposite direction by about 1 mm.
glides are successful, the glider can be towed to height for longer
flights. It is particularly important to launch directly into wind when towing. If the
l veers off to one side, correct it with the trim
Modellbau hope you have many fine flights with your
Lower wing centre section
Upper wing centre section
Tailplane locating piece
Wing centre section plate
Tip rib with dihedral strut
Profiled wing leading edge
Änderungen vorbehalten!
must not be glued to the wing structure. The tip rib (14) includes an integral strut
which ensures that the wings are joined with the correct dihedral.
of the wing centre section from parts (5), (6) and
(12). It also shows the wingtip (20) and the ballast chamber plug (3). Glue the
abrasive paper to the sanding block, and weight it down with a heavy object such as
photo 7 shows the wing panel placed loosely against part 12, so that the airfoil
section can be marked on it. Dismantle the parts, and trim back part (12) to the
marked line using a balsa knife. Sand it to final shape using the sanding block.
serious injury risk! When using a balsa knife always cut away from
Stage photo 8 shows how the wing panels are joined. Allow the glued joints to set
hard before cutting off the integral struts from the tip ribs. Sand the outb
each wing before gluing the wingtips (20) in place.
Stage photo 9: pour all the trim ballast (30) into the ballast chamber, then seal the
opening with the plug (3). Glue the hardwood dowel (26) for the wing bands in the
followed by the wing saddle (4): check that part (4) is exactly at
angles to the fuselage. Drill a 2 mm Ø hole in the underside of the fuselage at
the marked point, drilling exactly in the centre of the wood, then screw the towhook
nose pliers. Sand all sharp edges smooth using the sanding
block, but leave the trailing edge of the tail panels and wings ‘square’.
Cut out the individual decals from the sheet, peel off the backing film and apply them
t of your choice. You can copy the scheme shown on
Before the model can be balanced it must be assembled completely, ready to fly: i.e.
fit the wing and tailplane. The wing is held in place using two rubber
which are slipped over the fuselage from the front; place the wing on the saddle,
then stretch the rubber bands forward, over the wing, and onto the ends of the
hardwood dowel (26). The tailplane is attached to the fuselage using a rubber band
29) stretched from the tailskid (9) to the ends of the locating pieces (8).
The model’s Centre of Gravity (balance point) is located 55 mm aft of the wing
leading edge; as indicated by the arrow on the outer fuselage sides (1). Check the
he model at the marked point under the wings on two fingertips: it
Wait for a day with little or no wind, and set the trim
flying. The ideal flying site is a large grassy field sloping gently into w
launch directly into wind; push it forward rather than throwing it.
Once released, the model should glide in a straight, shallow path to the ground. If it
dives (glides too steeply), remove a little nose ballast. If it tends to
rudder in the opposite direction by about 1 mm.
glides are successful, the glider can be towed to height for longer
flights. It is particularly important to launch directly into wind when towing. If the
l veers off to one side, correct it with the trim
hope you have many fine flights with your
Änderungen vorbehalten!
must not be glued to the wing structure. The tip rib (14) includes an integral strut
which ensures that the wings are joined with the correct dihedral.
of the wing centre section from parts (5), (6) and
(12). It also shows the wingtip (20) and the ballast chamber plug (3). Glue the
abrasive paper to the sanding block, and weight it down with a heavy object such as
photo 7 shows the wing panel placed loosely against part 12, so that the airfoil
section can be marked on it. Dismantle the parts, and trim back part (12) to the
marked line using a balsa knife. Sand it to final shape using the sanding block.
serious injury risk! When using a balsa knife always cut away from
Stage photo 8 shows how the wing panels are joined. Allow the glued joints to set
hard before cutting off the integral struts from the tip ribs. Sand the outb
each wing before gluing the wingtips (20) in place.
Stage photo 9: pour all the trim ballast (30) into the ballast chamber, then seal the
opening with the plug (3). Glue the hardwood dowel (26) for the wing bands in the
followed by the wing saddle (4): check that part (4) is exactly at
angles to the fuselage. Drill a 2 mm Ø hole in the underside of the fuselage at
the marked point, drilling exactly in the centre of the wood, then screw the towhook
nose pliers. Sand all sharp edges smooth using the sanding
block, but leave the trailing edge of the tail panels and wings ‘square’.
Cut out the individual decals from the sheet, peel off the backing film and apply them
t of your choice. You can copy the scheme shown on
Before the model can be balanced it must be assembled completely, ready to fly: i.e.
fit the wing and tailplane. The wing is held in place using two rubber
which are slipped over the fuselage from the front; place the wing on the saddle,
then stretch the rubber bands forward, over the wing, and onto the ends of the
hardwood dowel (26). The tailplane is attached to the fuselage using a rubber band
29) stretched from the tailskid (9) to the ends of the locating pieces (8).
The model’s Centre of Gravity (balance point) is located 55 mm aft of the wing
leading edge; as indicated by the arrow on the outer fuselage sides (1). Check the
he model at the marked point under the wings on two fingertips: it
Wait for a day with little or no wind, and set the trim-
flying. The ideal flying site is a large grassy field sloping gently into w
launch directly into wind; push it forward rather than throwing it.
Once released, the model should glide in a straight, shallow path to the ground. If it
dives (glides too steeply), remove a little nose ballast. If it tends to
rudder in the opposite direction by about 1 mm.
glides are successful, the glider can be towed to height for longer
flights. It is particularly important to launch directly into wind when towing. If the
l veers off to one side, correct it with the trim-rudder as already described.
hope you have many fine flights with your
Poplar plywood
Poplar plywood
Poplar plywood
Poplar plywood
Poplar plywood
Poplar plywood
Poplar plywood
Poplar plywood
Poplar plywood
Poplar plywood
Poplar plywood
Poplar plywood
Poplar plywood
Spruce strip
Beech dowel
Natural rubber
Änderungen vorbehalten!
must not be glued to the wing structure. The tip rib (14) includes an integral strut
which ensures that the wings are joined with the correct dihedral.
of the wing centre section from parts (5), (6) and
(12). It also shows the wingtip (20) and the ballast chamber plug (3). Glue the
abrasive paper to the sanding block, and weight it down with a heavy object such as
photo 7 shows the wing panel placed loosely against part 12, so that the airfoil
section can be marked on it. Dismantle the parts, and trim back part (12) to the
marked line using a balsa knife. Sand it to final shape using the sanding block.
serious injury risk! When using a balsa knife always cut away from
Stage photo 8 shows how the wing panels are joined. Allow the glued joints to set
hard before cutting off the integral struts from the tip ribs. Sand the outb
Stage photo 9: pour all the trim ballast (30) into the ballast chamber, then seal the
opening with the plug (3). Glue the hardwood dowel (26) for the wing bands in the
followed by the wing saddle (4): check that part (4) is exactly at
angles to the fuselage. Drill a 2 mm Ø hole in the underside of the fuselage at
the marked point, drilling exactly in the centre of the wood, then screw the towhook
nose pliers. Sand all sharp edges smooth using the sanding
block, but leave the trailing edge of the tail panels and wings ‘square’.
Cut out the individual decals from the sheet, peel off the backing film and apply them
t of your choice. You can copy the scheme shown on
Before the model can be balanced it must be assembled completely, ready to fly: i.e.
fit the wing and tailplane. The wing is held in place using two rubber
which are slipped over the fuselage from the front; place the wing on the saddle,
then stretch the rubber bands forward, over the wing, and onto the ends of the
hardwood dowel (26). The tailplane is attached to the fuselage using a rubber band
29) stretched from the tailskid (9) to the ends of the locating pieces (8).
The model’s Centre of Gravity (balance point) is located 55 mm aft of the wing
leading edge; as indicated by the arrow on the outer fuselage sides (1). Check the
he model at the marked point under the wings on two fingertips: it
-rudder exactly central for test
flying. The ideal flying site is a large grassy field sloping gently into w
launch directly into wind; push it forward rather than throwing it.
Once released, the model should glide in a straight, shallow path to the ground. If it
dives (glides too steeply), remove a little nose ballast. If it tends to
rudder in the opposite direction by about 1 mm.
glides are successful, the glider can be towed to height for longer
flights. It is particularly important to launch directly into wind when towing. If the
rudder as already described.
hope you have many fine flights with your
Poplar plywood
Poplar plywood
Poplar plywood
Poplar plywood
Poplar plywood
Poplar plywood
Poplar plywood
Poplar plywood
Poplar plywood
Poplar plywood
Poplar plywood
Poplar plywood
Poplar plywood
Spruce strip
Beech dowel
Natural rubber
Änderungen vorbehalten! Keine Haftung für Druckfehler!
must not be glued to the wing structure. The tip rib (14) includes an integral strut
which ensures that the wings are joined with the correct dihedral.
of the wing centre section from parts (5), (6) and
(12). It also shows the wingtip (20) and the ballast chamber plug (3). Glue the
abrasive paper to the sanding block, and weight it down with a heavy object such as
photo 7 shows the wing panel placed loosely against part 12, so that the airfoil
section can be marked on it. Dismantle the parts, and trim back part (12) to the
marked line using a balsa knife. Sand it to final shape using the sanding block.
serious injury risk! When using a balsa knife always cut away from
Stage photo 8 shows how the wing panels are joined. Allow the glued joints to set
hard before cutting off the integral struts from the tip ribs. Sand the outb
Stage photo 9: pour all the trim ballast (30) into the ballast chamber, then seal the
opening with the plug (3). Glue the hardwood dowel (26) for the wing bands in the
followed by the wing saddle (4): check that part (4) is exactly at
angles to the fuselage. Drill a 2 mm Ø hole in the underside of the fuselage at
the marked point, drilling exactly in the centre of the wood, then screw the towhook
nose pliers. Sand all sharp edges smooth using the sanding
block, but leave the trailing edge of the tail panels and wings ‘square’.
Cut out the individual decals from the sheet, peel off the backing film and apply them
t of your choice. You can copy the scheme shown on
Before the model can be balanced it must be assembled completely, ready to fly: i.e.
fit the wing and tailplane. The wing is held in place using two rubber
which are slipped over the fuselage from the front; place the wing on the saddle,
then stretch the rubber bands forward, over the wing, and onto the ends of the
hardwood dowel (26). The tailplane is attached to the fuselage using a rubber band
29) stretched from the tailskid (9) to the ends of the locating pieces (8).
The model’s Centre of Gravity (balance point) is located 55 mm aft of the wing
leading edge; as indicated by the arrow on the outer fuselage sides (1). Check the
he model at the marked point under the wings on two fingertips: it
rudder exactly central for test
flying. The ideal flying site is a large grassy field sloping gently into w
launch directly into wind; push it forward rather than throwing it.
Once released, the model should glide in a straight, shallow path to the ground. If it
dives (glides too steeply), remove a little nose ballast. If it tends to turn to one side,
rudder in the opposite direction by about 1 mm.
glides are successful, the glider can be towed to height for longer
flights. It is particularly important to launch directly into wind when towing. If the
rudder as already described.
hope you have many fine flights with your
Der kleine UHU
Dimensions in
137 x 25 x 3
90 x 12 x 0.1
495 x 48
495 x 100 x 2
6 x 10 x 495
4 Ø x 30
Ready part
80 Ø x 3 x 1.6
Keine Haftung für Druckfehler!
must not be glued to the wing structure. The tip rib (14) includes an integral strut
of the wing centre section from parts (5), (6) and
(12). It also shows the wingtip (20) and the ballast chamber plug (3). Glue the
abrasive paper to the sanding block, and weight it down with a heavy object such as
photo 7 shows the wing panel placed loosely against part 12, so that the airfoil
section can be marked on it. Dismantle the parts, and trim back part (12) to the
marked line using a balsa knife. Sand it to final shape using the sanding block.
serious injury risk! When using a balsa knife always cut away from
Stage photo 8 shows how the wing panels are joined. Allow the glued joints to set
hard before cutting off the integral struts from the tip ribs. Sand the outboard face of
Stage photo 9: pour all the trim ballast (30) into the ballast chamber, then seal the
opening with the plug (3). Glue the hardwood dowel (26) for the wing bands in the
followed by the wing saddle (4): check that part (4) is exactly at
angles to the fuselage. Drill a 2 mm Ø hole in the underside of the fuselage at
the marked point, drilling exactly in the centre of the wood, then screw the towhook
nose pliers. Sand all sharp edges smooth using the sanding
Cut out the individual decals from the sheet, peel off the backing film and apply them
t of your choice. You can copy the scheme shown on
Before the model can be balanced it must be assembled completely, ready to fly: i.e.
fit the wing and tailplane. The wing is held in place using two rubber bands (28)
which are slipped over the fuselage from the front; place the wing on the saddle,
then stretch the rubber bands forward, over the wing, and onto the ends of the
hardwood dowel (26). The tailplane is attached to the fuselage using a rubber band
29) stretched from the tailskid (9) to the ends of the locating pieces (8).
The model’s Centre of Gravity (balance point) is located 55 mm aft of the wing
leading edge; as indicated by the arrow on the outer fuselage sides (1). Check the
he model at the marked point under the wings on two fingertips: it
rudder exactly central for test
flying. The ideal flying site is a large grassy field sloping gently into wind. Give the
launch directly into wind; push it forward rather than throwing it.
Once released, the model should glide in a straight, shallow path to the ground. If it
turn to one side,
glides are successful, the glider can be towed to height for longer
flights. It is particularly important to launch directly into wind when towing. If the
rudder as already described.
hope you have many fine flights with your
Der kleine UHU
Dimensions in
Laser-cut, 3
Laser-cut, 3
Laser-cut, 3
Laser-cut, 3
Laser-cut, 3
Laser-cut, 3
Laser-cut, 3
Laser-cut, 3
Laser-cut, 3
Laser-cut, 3
Laser-cut, 3
137 x 25 x 3
Laser-cut, 3
Laser-cut, 3
Laser-cut, 2
Laser-cut, 2
x 12 x 0.1
Laser-cut, 2
Laser-cut, 2
Laser-cut, 2
Laser-cut, 2
Laser-cut, 2
495 x 48 x 6.5
495 x 100 x 2
6 x 10 x 495
4 Ø x 30
Ready part Ø
80 Ø x 3 x 1.6
Keine Haftung für Druckfehler!
must not be glued to the wing structure. The tip rib (14) includes an integral strut
of the wing centre section from parts (5), (6) and
(12). It also shows the wingtip (20) and the ballast chamber plug (3). Glue the
abrasive paper to the sanding block, and weight it down with a heavy object such as
photo 7 shows the wing panel placed loosely against part 12, so that the airfoil
section can be marked on it. Dismantle the parts, and trim back part (12) to the
marked line using a balsa knife. Sand it to final shape using the sanding block.
serious injury risk! When using a balsa knife always cut away from
Stage photo 8 shows how the wing panels are joined. Allow the glued joints to set
oard face of
Stage photo 9: pour all the trim ballast (30) into the ballast chamber, then seal the
opening with the plug (3). Glue the hardwood dowel (26) for the wing bands in the
followed by the wing saddle (4): check that part (4) is exactly at
angles to the fuselage. Drill a 2 mm Ø hole in the underside of the fuselage at
the marked point, drilling exactly in the centre of the wood, then screw the towhook
nose pliers. Sand all sharp edges smooth using the sanding
Cut out the individual decals from the sheet, peel off the backing film and apply them
t of your choice. You can copy the scheme shown on
Before the model can be balanced it must be assembled completely, ready to fly: i.e.
bands (28)
which are slipped over the fuselage from the front; place the wing on the saddle,
then stretch the rubber bands forward, over the wing, and onto the ends of the
hardwood dowel (26). The tailplane is attached to the fuselage using a rubber band
leading edge; as indicated by the arrow on the outer fuselage sides (1). Check the
he model at the marked point under the wings on two fingertips: it
rudder exactly central for test-
Give the
launch directly into wind; push it forward rather than throwing it.
Once released, the model should glide in a straight, shallow path to the ground. If it
turn to one side,
glides are successful, the glider can be towed to height for longer
flights. It is particularly important to launch directly into wind when towing. If the
Der kleine UHU
Dimensions in
x 6.5
495 x 100 x 2
Ø 2
80 Ø x 3 x 1.6
Keine Haftung für Druckfehler!
You will also need the following items
UHU Express wood glue (20 g tube), ten spring
paper, decal sheet.
You will also need the following items
Balsa knife, No. 980, pencil, adhesive tape and paper scissors.
For fitting the tow
Safety Notes
To fly any model
risks involved in model flying; this is now a legal requirement.
Adhesives and paints may contain substances which are injurious to health
under certain circumstances. It is therefore essential
information and warnings supplied by the manufacturers of the various
Never fly your model in the vicinity of high
sites, residential areas, public streets, school playgrounds or sports fields.
Manufacturer’s Declaration:
If material defects or manufacturing faults should arise in a product distributed by us in
the Federal Republic of Germany and purchased by a consumer (§ 13 BGB), we,
Graupner/SJ GmbH & Co. KG, D
obligation to correct those defects within the limitations described below.
The consumer is not entitled to exploit this manufacturer’s declaration if the failure in
the usability of the product is due to natural wear, use under competitio
incompetent or improper use (including incorrect installation) or external influences.
This manufacturer’s declaration does not affect the consumer’s legal or contractual
rights regarding defects arising from the purchase contract between the
the vendor (dealer).
Extent of the guarantee
If a claim is made under guarantee, we undertake at our discretion to repair or replace
the defective goods. We will not consider supplementary claims, especially for
reimbursement of costs relat
compensation for consequent damages unless they are allowed by statute. This does
not affect claims based on legal regulations, especially according to product liability
Guarantee requirements
The purchaser is required to make the guarantee claim in writing, and must enclose
original proof of purchase (e.g. invoice, receipt, delivery note) and this guarantee card.
The purchaser must send the defective goods to us at his own cost, using the addr
stated above.
The purchaser should state the material defect or manufacturing fault, or the
symptoms of the fault, in as accurate a manner as possible, so that we can check if our
guarantee obligation is applicable.
The goods are transported from the c
the risk of the consumer.
Respectez impérativement les consignes de sécurité en annexe de cette
notice. En cas de cession ou de revente du modèle, la notice complète doit
être transmise au nouvel acquéreur pour que celui
connaissance et en tenir compte
Avec ce petit UHU on peut acquérir facilement une première expérience en
construction et en pilotage. La plupart des pièces qui constituen
bois et peuvent être assemblées et collées avec de la colle à bois sans solvants
UHU. Des pinces et un bloc de ponçage sont fournis avec chaque modèle. Inutile
d’entoiler ni de peindre le modèle. Le fuselage, l’empennage et les ailes so
entièrement coffrés.
Notice de montage
Avant de démarrer le montage du modèle proprement dit, familiarisez
notice de montage et la nomenclature des pièces, des vues éclatées et des
différentes étapes du montage pour bien assimiler son asse
erreurs en cours du montage. Avant de coller les pièces entre elles, faites d’abord
un montage à „sec“ afin de vérifier les ajustements.
léger film suffit, essuyez le surplus de colle avec de l’essuie
correctement les pièces les unes par rapport aux autres. En utilisant la colle à bois
UHU que nous recommandons, vous aurez toujours quelques secondes pour faire
les corrections nécessaires. Maintenez les différents éléments en place avec
pinces et/ou avec du ruban adhésif jusqu’à ce que la colle soit bien sèche.
Le fuselage avec la dérive et le stabilisateur
La photo 1 montre le collage des flancs du fuselage et le collage du support de
l’empennage (25).
La photo 2 montre l’assemblage des pièces (7), (21), (19) ainsi que le montage de la
gouverne de trim (16) avec la
charnière (17).
Keine Haftung für Druckfehler!
No. Description
Tailplane retaining band
Nose ballast
You will also need the following items
UHU Express wood glue (20 g tube), ten spring
paper, decal sheet.
You will also need the following items
Balsa knife, No. 980, pencil, adhesive tape and paper scissors.
For fitting the tow
Safety Notes
To fly any model
risks involved in model flying; this is now a legal requirement.
Adhesives and paints may contain substances which are injurious to health
under certain circumstances. It is therefore essential
information and warnings supplied by the manufacturers of the various
Never fly your model in the vicinity of high
sites, residential areas, public streets, school playgrounds or sports fields.
Manufacturer’s Declaration:
If material defects or manufacturing faults should arise in a product distributed by us in
the Federal Republic of Germany and purchased by a consumer (§ 13 BGB), we,
Graupner/SJ GmbH & Co. KG, D
obligation to correct those defects within the limitations described below.
The consumer is not entitled to exploit this manufacturer’s declaration if the failure in
the usability of the product is due to natural wear, use under competitio
incompetent or improper use (including incorrect installation) or external influences.
This manufacturer’s declaration does not affect the consumer’s legal or contractual
rights regarding defects arising from the purchase contract between the
the vendor (dealer).
Extent of the guarantee
If a claim is made under guarantee, we undertake at our discretion to repair or replace
the defective goods. We will not consider supplementary claims, especially for
reimbursement of costs relat
compensation for consequent damages unless they are allowed by statute. This does
not affect claims based on legal regulations, especially according to product liability
Guarantee requirements
The purchaser is required to make the guarantee claim in writing, and must enclose
original proof of purchase (e.g. invoice, receipt, delivery note) and this guarantee card.
The purchaser must send the defective goods to us at his own cost, using the addr
stated above.
The purchaser should state the material defect or manufacturing fault, or the
symptoms of the fault, in as accurate a manner as possible, so that we can check if our
guarantee obligation is applicable.
The goods are transported from the c
the risk of the consumer.
Respectez impérativement les consignes de sécurité en annexe de cette
notice. En cas de cession ou de revente du modèle, la notice complète doit
être transmise au nouvel acquéreur pour que celui
connaissance et en tenir compte
Avec ce petit UHU on peut acquérir facilement une première expérience en
construction et en pilotage. La plupart des pièces qui constituen
bois et peuvent être assemblées et collées avec de la colle à bois sans solvants
UHU. Des pinces et un bloc de ponçage sont fournis avec chaque modèle. Inutile
d’entoiler ni de peindre le modèle. Le fuselage, l’empennage et les ailes so
entièrement coffrés.
Notice de montage
Avant de démarrer le montage du modèle proprement dit, familiarisez
notice de montage et la nomenclature des pièces, des vues éclatées et des
différentes étapes du montage pour bien assimiler son asse
erreurs en cours du montage. Avant de coller les pièces entre elles, faites d’abord
un montage à „sec“ afin de vérifier les ajustements.
léger film suffit, essuyez le surplus de colle avec de l’essuie
correctement les pièces les unes par rapport aux autres. En utilisant la colle à bois
UHU que nous recommandons, vous aurez toujours quelques secondes pour faire
les corrections nécessaires. Maintenez les différents éléments en place avec
pinces et/ou avec du ruban adhésif jusqu’à ce que la colle soit bien sèche.
Le fuselage avec la dérive et le stabilisateur
La photo 1 montre le collage des flancs du fuselage et le collage du support de
l’empennage (25).
La photo 2 montre l’assemblage des pièces (7), (21), (19) ainsi que le montage de la
gouverne de trim (16) avec la
charnière (17).
Instructions de montage
Keine Haftung für Druckfehler!
Tailplane retaining band
Nose ballast
You will also need the following items
UHU Express wood glue (20 g tube), ten spring
paper, decal sheet.
You will also need the following items
Balsa knife, No. 980, pencil, adhesive tape and paper scissors.
For fitting the tow-hook: 2 mm Ø drill and flat
Safety Notes
To fly any model aircraft you require valid third
risks involved in model flying; this is now a legal requirement.
Adhesives and paints may contain substances which are injurious to health
under certain circumstances. It is therefore essential
information and warnings supplied by the manufacturers of the various
Never fly your model in the vicinity of high
sites, residential areas, public streets, school playgrounds or sports fields.
Manufacturer’s Declaration:
If material defects or manufacturing faults should arise in a product distributed by us in
the Federal Republic of Germany and purchased by a consumer (§ 13 BGB), we,
Graupner/SJ GmbH & Co. KG, D
obligation to correct those defects within the limitations described below.
The consumer is not entitled to exploit this manufacturer’s declaration if the failure in
the usability of the product is due to natural wear, use under competitio
incompetent or improper use (including incorrect installation) or external influences.
This manufacturer’s declaration does not affect the consumer’s legal or contractual
rights regarding defects arising from the purchase contract between the
the vendor (dealer).
Extent of the guarantee
If a claim is made under guarantee, we undertake at our discretion to repair or replace
the defective goods. We will not consider supplementary claims, especially for
reimbursement of costs relat
compensation for consequent damages unless they are allowed by statute. This does
not affect claims based on legal regulations, especially according to product liability
Guarantee requirements
The purchaser is required to make the guarantee claim in writing, and must enclose
original proof of purchase (e.g. invoice, receipt, delivery note) and this guarantee card.
The purchaser must send the defective goods to us at his own cost, using the addr
stated above.
The purchaser should state the material defect or manufacturing fault, or the
symptoms of the fault, in as accurate a manner as possible, so that we can check if our
guarantee obligation is applicable.
The goods are transported from the c
the risk of the consumer.
Respectez impérativement les consignes de sécurité en annexe de cette
notice. En cas de cession ou de revente du modèle, la notice complète doit
être transmise au nouvel acquéreur pour que celui
connaissance et en tenir compte
Avec ce petit UHU on peut acquérir facilement une première expérience en
construction et en pilotage. La plupart des pièces qui constituen
bois et peuvent être assemblées et collées avec de la colle à bois sans solvants
UHU. Des pinces et un bloc de ponçage sont fournis avec chaque modèle. Inutile
d’entoiler ni de peindre le modèle. Le fuselage, l’empennage et les ailes so
entièrement coffrés.
Notice de montage
Avant de démarrer le montage du modèle proprement dit, familiarisez
notice de montage et la nomenclature des pièces, des vues éclatées et des
différentes étapes du montage pour bien assimiler son asse
erreurs en cours du montage. Avant de coller les pièces entre elles, faites d’abord
un montage à „sec“ afin de vérifier les ajustements.
léger film suffit, essuyez le surplus de colle avec de l’essuie
correctement les pièces les unes par rapport aux autres. En utilisant la colle à bois
UHU que nous recommandons, vous aurez toujours quelques secondes pour faire
les corrections nécessaires. Maintenez les différents éléments en place avec
pinces et/ou avec du ruban adhésif jusqu’à ce que la colle soit bien sèche.
Le fuselage avec la dérive et le stabilisateur
La photo 1 montre le collage des flancs du fuselage et le collage du support de
l’empennage (25).
La photo 2 montre l’assemblage des pièces (7), (21), (19) ainsi que le montage de la
gouverne de trim (16) avec la
charnière (17).
Instructions de montage
Tailplane retaining band
You will also need the following items
UHU Express wood glue (20 g tube), ten spring
You will also need the following items
Balsa knife, No. 980, pencil, adhesive tape and paper scissors.
hook: 2 mm Ø drill and flat
aircraft you require valid third
risks involved in model flying; this is now a legal requirement.
Adhesives and paints may contain substances which are injurious to health
under certain circumstances. It is therefore essential
information and warnings supplied by the manufacturers of the various
Never fly your model in the vicinity of high
sites, residential areas, public streets, school playgrounds or sports fields.
Manufacturer’s Declaration:
If material defects or manufacturing faults should arise in a product distributed by us in
the Federal Republic of Germany and purchased by a consumer (§ 13 BGB), we,
Graupner/SJ GmbH & Co. KG, D
obligation to correct those defects within the limitations described below.
The consumer is not entitled to exploit this manufacturer’s declaration if the failure in
the usability of the product is due to natural wear, use under competitio
incompetent or improper use (including incorrect installation) or external influences.
This manufacturer’s declaration does not affect the consumer’s legal or contractual
rights regarding defects arising from the purchase contract between the
Extent of the guarantee
If a claim is made under guarantee, we undertake at our discretion to repair or replace
the defective goods. We will not consider supplementary claims, especially for
reimbursement of costs relating to the defect (e.g. installation / removal costs) and
compensation for consequent damages unless they are allowed by statute. This does
not affect claims based on legal regulations, especially according to product liability
Guarantee requirements
The purchaser is required to make the guarantee claim in writing, and must enclose
original proof of purchase (e.g. invoice, receipt, delivery note) and this guarantee card.
The purchaser must send the defective goods to us at his own cost, using the addr
The purchaser should state the material defect or manufacturing fault, or the
symptoms of the fault, in as accurate a manner as possible, so that we can check if our
guarantee obligation is applicable.
The goods are transported from the c
the risk of the consumer.
Respectez impérativement les consignes de sécurité en annexe de cette
notice. En cas de cession ou de revente du modèle, la notice complète doit
être transmise au nouvel acquéreur pour que celui
connaissance et en tenir compte
Avec ce petit UHU on peut acquérir facilement une première expérience en
construction et en pilotage. La plupart des pièces qui constituen
bois et peuvent être assemblées et collées avec de la colle à bois sans solvants
UHU. Des pinces et un bloc de ponçage sont fournis avec chaque modèle. Inutile
d’entoiler ni de peindre le modèle. Le fuselage, l’empennage et les ailes so
Avant de démarrer le montage du modèle proprement dit, familiarisez
notice de montage et la nomenclature des pièces, des vues éclatées et des
différentes étapes du montage pour bien assimiler son asse
erreurs en cours du montage. Avant de coller les pièces entre elles, faites d’abord
un montage à „sec“ afin de vérifier les ajustements.
léger film suffit, essuyez le surplus de colle avec de l’essuie
correctement les pièces les unes par rapport aux autres. En utilisant la colle à bois
UHU que nous recommandons, vous aurez toujours quelques secondes pour faire
les corrections nécessaires. Maintenez les différents éléments en place avec
pinces et/ou avec du ruban adhésif jusqu’à ce que la colle soit bien sèche.
Le fuselage avec la dérive et le stabilisateur
La photo 1 montre le collage des flancs du fuselage et le collage du support de
La photo 2 montre l’assemblage des pièces (7), (21), (19) ainsi que le montage de la
gouverne de trim (16) avec la
Instructions de montage
Tailplane retaining band
You will also need the following items
UHU Express wood glue (20 g tube), ten spring
You will also need the following items
Balsa knife, No. 980, pencil, adhesive tape and paper scissors.
hook: 2 mm Ø drill and flat
aircraft you require valid third
risks involved in model flying; this is now a legal requirement.
Adhesives and paints may contain substances which are injurious to health
under certain circumstances. It is therefore essential
information and warnings supplied by the manufacturers of the various
Never fly your model in the vicinity of high
sites, residential areas, public streets, school playgrounds or sports fields.
If material defects or manufacturing faults should arise in a product distributed by us in
the Federal Republic of Germany and purchased by a consumer (§ 13 BGB), we,
Graupner/SJ GmbH & Co. KG, D-73230 Kirchheim/Teck, Germany,
obligation to correct those defects within the limitations described below.
The consumer is not entitled to exploit this manufacturer’s declaration if the failure in
the usability of the product is due to natural wear, use under competitio
incompetent or improper use (including incorrect installation) or external influences.
This manufacturer’s declaration does not affect the consumer’s legal or contractual
rights regarding defects arising from the purchase contract between the
If a claim is made under guarantee, we undertake at our discretion to repair or replace
the defective goods. We will not consider supplementary claims, especially for
ing to the defect (e.g. installation / removal costs) and
compensation for consequent damages unless they are allowed by statute. This does
not affect claims based on legal regulations, especially according to product liability
The purchaser is required to make the guarantee claim in writing, and must enclose
original proof of purchase (e.g. invoice, receipt, delivery note) and this guarantee card.
The purchaser must send the defective goods to us at his own cost, using the addr
The purchaser should state the material defect or manufacturing fault, or the
symptoms of the fault, in as accurate a manner as possible, so that we can check if our
guarantee obligation is applicable.
The goods are transported from the consumer to us and from us to the consumer at
Respectez impérativement les consignes de sécurité en annexe de cette
notice. En cas de cession ou de revente du modèle, la notice complète doit
être transmise au nouvel acquéreur pour que celui
connaissance et en tenir compte.
Avec ce petit UHU on peut acquérir facilement une première expérience en
construction et en pilotage. La plupart des pièces qui constituen
bois et peuvent être assemblées et collées avec de la colle à bois sans solvants
UHU. Des pinces et un bloc de ponçage sont fournis avec chaque modèle. Inutile
d’entoiler ni de peindre le modèle. Le fuselage, l’empennage et les ailes so
Avant de démarrer le montage du modèle proprement dit, familiarisez
notice de montage et la nomenclature des pièces, des vues éclatées et des
différentes étapes du montage pour bien assimiler son asse
erreurs en cours du montage. Avant de coller les pièces entre elles, faites d’abord
un montage à „sec“ afin de vérifier les ajustements.
léger film suffit, essuyez le surplus de colle avec de l’essuie
correctement les pièces les unes par rapport aux autres. En utilisant la colle à bois
UHU que nous recommandons, vous aurez toujours quelques secondes pour faire
les corrections nécessaires. Maintenez les différents éléments en place avec
pinces et/ou avec du ruban adhésif jusqu’à ce que la colle soit bien sèche.
Le fuselage avec la dérive et le stabilisateur
La photo 1 montre le collage des flancs du fuselage et le collage du support de
La photo 2 montre l’assemblage des pièces (7), (21), (19) ainsi que le montage de la
gouverne de trim (16) avec la
Instructions de montage
Natural rubber
50 g Steel
You will also need the following items (included in the materials pack)
UHU Express wood glue (20 g tube), ten spring
You will also need the following items (not included)
Balsa knife, No. 980, pencil, adhesive tape and paper scissors.
hook: 2 mm Ø drill and flat-nose pliers.
aircraft you require valid third
risks involved in model flying; this is now a legal requirement.
Adhesives and paints may contain substances which are injurious to health
under certain circumstances. It is therefore essential
information and warnings supplied by the manufacturers of the various
Never fly your model in the vicinity of high-tension overhead cables, industrial
sites, residential areas, public streets, school playgrounds or sports fields.
If material defects or manufacturing faults should arise in a product distributed by us in
the Federal Republic of Germany and purchased by a consumer (§ 13 BGB), we,
73230 Kirchheim/Teck, Germany,
obligation to correct those defects within the limitations described below.
The consumer is not entitled to exploit this manufacturer’s declaration if the failure in
the usability of the product is due to natural wear, use under competitio
incompetent or improper use (including incorrect installation) or external influences.
This manufacturer’s declaration does not affect the consumer’s legal or contractual
rights regarding defects arising from the purchase contract between the
If a claim is made under guarantee, we undertake at our discretion to repair or replace
the defective goods. We will not consider supplementary claims, especially for
ing to the defect (e.g. installation / removal costs) and
compensation for consequent damages unless they are allowed by statute. This does
not affect claims based on legal regulations, especially according to product liability
The purchaser is required to make the guarantee claim in writing, and must enclose
original proof of purchase (e.g. invoice, receipt, delivery note) and this guarantee card.
The purchaser must send the defective goods to us at his own cost, using the addr
The purchaser should state the material defect or manufacturing fault, or the
symptoms of the fault, in as accurate a manner as possible, so that we can check if our
onsumer to us and from us to the consumer at
Respectez impérativement les consignes de sécurité en annexe de cette
notice. En cas de cession ou de revente du modèle, la notice complète doit
être transmise au nouvel acquéreur pour que celui
Avec ce petit UHU on peut acquérir facilement une première expérience en
construction et en pilotage. La plupart des pièces qui constituen
bois et peuvent être assemblées et collées avec de la colle à bois sans solvants
UHU. Des pinces et un bloc de ponçage sont fournis avec chaque modèle. Inutile
d’entoiler ni de peindre le modèle. Le fuselage, l’empennage et les ailes so
Avant de démarrer le montage du modèle proprement dit, familiarisez
notice de montage et la nomenclature des pièces, des vues éclatées et des
différentes étapes du montage pour bien assimiler son asse
erreurs en cours du montage. Avant de coller les pièces entre elles, faites d’abord
un montage à „sec“ afin de vérifier les ajustements.
léger film suffit, essuyez le surplus de colle avec de l’essuie
correctement les pièces les unes par rapport aux autres. En utilisant la colle à bois
UHU que nous recommandons, vous aurez toujours quelques secondes pour faire
les corrections nécessaires. Maintenez les différents éléments en place avec
pinces et/ou avec du ruban adhésif jusqu’à ce que la colle soit bien sèche.
Le fuselage avec la dérive et le stabilisateur
La photo 1 montre le collage des flancs du fuselage et le collage du support de
La photo 2 montre l’assemblage des pièces (7), (21), (19) ainsi que le montage de la
Instructions de montage
Natural rubber
(included in the materials pack)
UHU Express wood glue (20 g tube), ten spring-clamps, sanding
(not included)
Balsa knife, No. 980, pencil, adhesive tape and paper scissors.
nose pliers.
aircraft you require valid third-party insurance covering the
risks involved in model flying; this is now a legal requirement.
Adhesives and paints may contain substances which are injurious to health
under certain circumstances. It is therefore essential
information and warnings supplied by the manufacturers of the various
tension overhead cables, industrial
sites, residential areas, public streets, school playgrounds or sports fields.
If material defects or manufacturing faults should arise in a product distributed by us in
the Federal Republic of Germany and purchased by a consumer (§ 13 BGB), we,
73230 Kirchheim/Teck, Germany,
obligation to correct those defects within the limitations described below.
The consumer is not entitled to exploit this manufacturer’s declaration if the failure in
the usability of the product is due to natural wear, use under competitio
incompetent or improper use (including incorrect installation) or external influences.
This manufacturer’s declaration does not affect the consumer’s legal or contractual
rights regarding defects arising from the purchase contract between the
If a claim is made under guarantee, we undertake at our discretion to repair or replace
the defective goods. We will not consider supplementary claims, especially for
ing to the defect (e.g. installation / removal costs) and
compensation for consequent damages unless they are allowed by statute. This does
not affect claims based on legal regulations, especially according to product liability
The purchaser is required to make the guarantee claim in writing, and must enclose
original proof of purchase (e.g. invoice, receipt, delivery note) and this guarantee card.
The purchaser must send the defective goods to us at his own cost, using the addr
The purchaser should state the material defect or manufacturing fault, or the
symptoms of the fault, in as accurate a manner as possible, so that we can check if our
onsumer to us and from us to the consumer at
Respectez impérativement les consignes de sécurité en annexe de cette
notice. En cas de cession ou de revente du modèle, la notice complète doit
être transmise au nouvel acquéreur pour que celui
Avec ce petit UHU on peut acquérir facilement une première expérience en
construction et en pilotage. La plupart des pièces qui constituen
bois et peuvent être assemblées et collées avec de la colle à bois sans solvants
UHU. Des pinces et un bloc de ponçage sont fournis avec chaque modèle. Inutile
d’entoiler ni de peindre le modèle. Le fuselage, l’empennage et les ailes so
Avant de démarrer le montage du modèle proprement dit, familiarisez
notice de montage et la nomenclature des pièces, des vues éclatées et des
différentes étapes du montage pour bien assimiler son asse
erreurs en cours du montage. Avant de coller les pièces entre elles, faites d’abord
un montage à „sec“ afin de vérifier les ajustements. Ne mettez pas trop de colle, un
léger film suffit, essuyez le surplus de colle avec de l’essuie
correctement les pièces les unes par rapport aux autres. En utilisant la colle à bois
UHU que nous recommandons, vous aurez toujours quelques secondes pour faire
les corrections nécessaires. Maintenez les différents éléments en place avec
pinces et/ou avec du ruban adhésif jusqu’à ce que la colle soit bien sèche.
La photo 1 montre le collage des flancs du fuselage et le collage du support de
La photo 2 montre l’assemblage des pièces (7), (21), (19) ainsi que le montage de la
Natural rubber
(included in the materials pack)
clamps, sanding
Balsa knife, No. 980, pencil, adhesive tape and paper scissors.
nose pliers.
party insurance covering the
risks involved in model flying; this is now a legal requirement.
Adhesives and paints may contain substances which are injurious to health
under certain circumstances. It is therefore essential
information and warnings supplied by the manufacturers of the various
tension overhead cables, industrial
sites, residential areas, public streets, school playgrounds or sports fields.
If material defects or manufacturing faults should arise in a product distributed by us in
the Federal Republic of Germany and purchased by a consumer (§ 13 BGB), we,
73230 Kirchheim/Teck, Germany,
obligation to correct those defects within the limitations described below.
The consumer is not entitled to exploit this manufacturer’s declaration if the failure in
the usability of the product is due to natural wear, use under competitio
incompetent or improper use (including incorrect installation) or external influences.
This manufacturer’s declaration does not affect the consumer’s legal or contractual
rights regarding defects arising from the purchase contract between the
If a claim is made under guarantee, we undertake at our discretion to repair or replace
the defective goods. We will not consider supplementary claims, especially for
ing to the defect (e.g. installation / removal costs) and
compensation for consequent damages unless they are allowed by statute. This does
not affect claims based on legal regulations, especially according to product liability
The purchaser is required to make the guarantee claim in writing, and must enclose
original proof of purchase (e.g. invoice, receipt, delivery note) and this guarantee card.
The purchaser must send the defective goods to us at his own cost, using the addr
The purchaser should state the material defect or manufacturing fault, or the
symptoms of the fault, in as accurate a manner as possible, so that we can check if our
onsumer to us and from us to the consumer at
Respectez impérativement les consignes de sécurité en annexe de cette
notice. En cas de cession ou de revente du modèle, la notice complète doit
être transmise au nouvel acquéreur pour que celui-ci puisse en prendre
Avec ce petit UHU on peut acquérir facilement une première expérience en
construction et en pilotage. La plupart des pièces qui constituen
bois et peuvent être assemblées et collées avec de la colle à bois sans solvants
UHU. Des pinces et un bloc de ponçage sont fournis avec chaque modèle. Inutile
d’entoiler ni de peindre le modèle. Le fuselage, l’empennage et les ailes so
Avant de démarrer le montage du modèle proprement dit, familiarisez
notice de montage et la nomenclature des pièces, des vues éclatées et des
différentes étapes du montage pour bien assimiler son assemblage et éviter des
erreurs en cours du montage. Avant de coller les pièces entre elles, faites d’abord
Ne mettez pas trop de colle, un
léger film suffit, essuyez le surplus de colle avec de l’essuie
correctement les pièces les unes par rapport aux autres. En utilisant la colle à bois
UHU que nous recommandons, vous aurez toujours quelques secondes pour faire
les corrections nécessaires. Maintenez les différents éléments en place avec
pinces et/ou avec du ruban adhésif jusqu’à ce que la colle soit bien sèche.
La photo 1 montre le collage des flancs du fuselage et le collage du support de
La photo 2 montre l’assemblage des pièces (7), (21), (19) ainsi que le montage de la
No. 4300
Dimensions in
30 Ø x 2 x 1.4
Ball, 2 Ø
(included in the materials pack)
clamps, sanding block and abrasive
party insurance covering the
risks involved in model flying; this is now a legal requirement.
Adhesives and paints may contain substances which are injurious to health
under certain circumstances. It is therefore essential to observe the
information and warnings supplied by the manufacturers of the various
tension overhead cables, industrial
sites, residential areas, public streets, school playgrounds or sports fields.
If material defects or manufacturing faults should arise in a product distributed by us in
the Federal Republic of Germany and purchased by a consumer (§ 13 BGB), we,
73230 Kirchheim/Teck, Germany, acknowledge the
obligation to correct those defects within the limitations described below.
The consumer is not entitled to exploit this manufacturer’s declaration if the failure in
the usability of the product is due to natural wear, use under competition conditions,
incompetent or improper use (including incorrect installation) or external influences.
This manufacturer’s declaration does not affect the consumer’s legal or contractual
rights regarding defects arising from the purchase contract between the consumer and
If a claim is made under guarantee, we undertake at our discretion to repair or replace
the defective goods. We will not consider supplementary claims, especially for
ing to the defect (e.g. installation / removal costs) and
compensation for consequent damages unless they are allowed by statute. This does
not affect claims based on legal regulations, especially according to product liability
The purchaser is required to make the guarantee claim in writing, and must enclose
original proof of purchase (e.g. invoice, receipt, delivery note) and this guarantee card.
The purchaser must send the defective goods to us at his own cost, using the addr
The purchaser should state the material defect or manufacturing fault, or the
symptoms of the fault, in as accurate a manner as possible, so that we can check if our
onsumer to us and from us to the consumer at
Respectez impérativement les consignes de sécurité en annexe de cette
notice. En cas de cession ou de revente du modèle, la notice complète doit
ci puisse en prendre
Avec ce petit UHU on peut acquérir facilement une première expérience en
construction et en pilotage. La plupart des pièces qui constituent le modèle sont en
bois et peuvent être assemblées et collées avec de la colle à bois sans solvants
UHU. Des pinces et un bloc de ponçage sont fournis avec chaque modèle. Inutile
d’entoiler ni de peindre le modèle. Le fuselage, l’empennage et les ailes so
Avant de démarrer le montage du modèle proprement dit, familiarisez-vous avec la
notice de montage et la nomenclature des pièces, des vues éclatées et des
mblage et éviter des
erreurs en cours du montage. Avant de coller les pièces entre elles, faites d’abord
Ne mettez pas trop de colle, un
léger film suffit, essuyez le surplus de colle avec de l’essuie-tout et positionnez
correctement les pièces les unes par rapport aux autres. En utilisant la colle à bois
UHU que nous recommandons, vous aurez toujours quelques secondes pour faire
les corrections nécessaires. Maintenez les différents éléments en place avec
pinces et/ou avec du ruban adhésif jusqu’à ce que la colle soit bien sèche.
La photo 1 montre le collage des flancs du fuselage et le collage du support de
La photo 2 montre l’assemblage des pièces (7), (21), (19) ainsi que le montage de la
No. 4300
Dimensions in
30 Ø x 2 x 1.4
Ball, 2 Ø
block and abrasive
party insurance covering the
Adhesives and paints may contain substances which are injurious to health
to observe the
information and warnings supplied by the manufacturers of the various
tension overhead cables, industrial
sites, residential areas, public streets, school playgrounds or sports fields.
If material defects or manufacturing faults should arise in a product distributed by us in
the Federal Republic of Germany and purchased by a consumer (§ 13 BGB), we,
acknowledge the
The consumer is not entitled to exploit this manufacturer’s declaration if the failure in
n conditions,
incompetent or improper use (including incorrect installation) or external influences.
This manufacturer’s declaration does not affect the consumer’s legal or contractual
consumer and
If a claim is made under guarantee, we undertake at our discretion to repair or replace
the defective goods. We will not consider supplementary claims, especially for
ing to the defect (e.g. installation / removal costs) and
compensation for consequent damages unless they are allowed by statute. This does
not affect claims based on legal regulations, especially according to product liability
The purchaser is required to make the guarantee claim in writing, and must enclose
original proof of purchase (e.g. invoice, receipt, delivery note) and this guarantee card.
The purchaser must send the defective goods to us at his own cost, using the address
The purchaser should state the material defect or manufacturing fault, or the
symptoms of the fault, in as accurate a manner as possible, so that we can check if our
onsumer to us and from us to the consumer at
Respectez impérativement les consignes de sécurité en annexe de cette
notice. En cas de cession ou de revente du modèle, la notice complète doit
ci puisse en prendre
Avec ce petit UHU on peut acquérir facilement une première expérience en
t le modèle sont en
bois et peuvent être assemblées et collées avec de la colle à bois sans solvants
UHU. Des pinces et un bloc de ponçage sont fournis avec chaque modèle. Inutile
d’entoiler ni de peindre le modèle. Le fuselage, l’empennage et les ailes so
vous avec la
notice de montage et la nomenclature des pièces, des vues éclatées et des
mblage et éviter des
erreurs en cours du montage. Avant de coller les pièces entre elles, faites d’abord
Ne mettez pas trop de colle, un
ut et positionnez
correctement les pièces les unes par rapport aux autres. En utilisant la colle à bois
UHU que nous recommandons, vous aurez toujours quelques secondes pour faire
les corrections nécessaires. Maintenez les différents éléments en place avec des
pinces et/ou avec du ruban adhésif jusqu’à ce que la colle soit bien sèche.
La photo 1 montre le collage des flancs du fuselage et le collage du support de
La photo 2 montre l’assemblage des pièces (7), (21), (19) ainsi que le montage de la
No. 4300
Dimensions in
block and abrasive
party insurance covering the
Adhesives and paints may contain substances which are injurious to health
to observe the
information and warnings supplied by the manufacturers of the various
tension overhead cables, industrial
If material defects or manufacturing faults should arise in a product distributed by us in
the Federal Republic of Germany and purchased by a consumer (§ 13 BGB), we,
acknowledge the
The consumer is not entitled to exploit this manufacturer’s declaration if the failure in
n conditions,
incompetent or improper use (including incorrect installation) or external influences.
This manufacturer’s declaration does not affect the consumer’s legal or contractual
consumer and
If a claim is made under guarantee, we undertake at our discretion to repair or replace
the defective goods. We will not consider supplementary claims, especially for
ing to the defect (e.g. installation / removal costs) and
compensation for consequent damages unless they are allowed by statute. This does
not affect claims based on legal regulations, especially according to product liability
The purchaser is required to make the guarantee claim in writing, and must enclose
original proof of purchase (e.g. invoice, receipt, delivery note) and this guarantee card.
The purchaser should state the material defect or manufacturing fault, or the
symptoms of the fault, in as accurate a manner as possible, so that we can check if our
onsumer to us and from us to the consumer at
Respectez impérativement les consignes de sécurité en annexe de cette
notice. En cas de cession ou de revente du modèle, la notice complète doit
ci puisse en prendre
Avec ce petit UHU on peut acquérir facilement une première expérience en
t le modèle sont en
bois et peuvent être assemblées et collées avec de la colle à bois sans solvants
UHU. Des pinces et un bloc de ponçage sont fournis avec chaque modèle. Inutile
d’entoiler ni de peindre le modèle. Le fuselage, l’empennage et les ailes sont
vous avec la
notice de montage et la nomenclature des pièces, des vues éclatées et des
mblage et éviter des
erreurs en cours du montage. Avant de coller les pièces entre elles, faites d’abord
Ne mettez pas trop de colle, un
ut et positionnez
correctement les pièces les unes par rapport aux autres. En utilisant la colle à bois
UHU que nous recommandons, vous aurez toujours quelques secondes pour faire
La photo 1 montre le collage des flancs du fuselage et le collage du support de
La photo 2 montre l’assemblage des pièces (7), (21), (19) ainsi que le montage de la