Änderungen vorbehalten! Keine Haftung für Druckfehler 02/2008
Slip the nosewheel steering pushrod into the guide tube as far as the servo, and
through the cross-hole in the swivel connector.
Now fit the nosewheel steering pushrod into the nosewheel bracket from the
underside, and through the linkage hole in the steering arm. Set the servo and the
nosewheel to centre, then tighten the screw in the steering lever. Apply a drop of
UHU schraubensicher to the screw to prevent it working loose.
Fit the main undercarriage legs into the holes and slots in the underside of the
fuselage, and secure them using the plastic saddle clamps as shown in the photos.
Drill pilot-holes using the clamps as a guide before fitting the retaining screws.
Fit the wheels on the axles and secure them using collets fitted on either side. Ensure
that the wheels rotate smoothly and freely.
The glow motor can now be fixed to the two motor mount arms as shown in the
photo. Take care to install the motor without sidethrust; you can check this by placing
the back of the motor mount on a flat surface: the centreline of the motor should be at
right-angles to the base surface.
The motor mount can now be attached to the nose bulkhead of the model, aligning it
with the marked lines (= motor centreline). Drill holes for the retaining screws and
captive nuts in the nose bulkhead.
Connect the throttle pushrod to the carburettor throttle arm before installing the motor
mount permanently. Slip the throttle pushrod through the guide tube and thread it
through the cross-hole in the swivel pushrod connector. Screw the motor mount to
the nose bulkhead. With the servo at centre and the carburettor half-open, tighten the
grubscrew in the pushrod connector to clamp the pushrod in place. When adjusting
the throttle pushrod please note that it should be possible to close the carburettor
barrel completely from the transmitter (throttle stick and trim fully back). This is
important, as it enables you to stop the motor at any time.
The fueltank is assembled as shown in the photo.
Cut a piece of silicone fuel tubing and push it onto the fueltank clunk weight. Push
the free end of the fuel tubing onto one of the tubes in the fueltank stopper, and
check that the clunk will be able to move freely inside the tank
binding or
jamming when the stopper is in place. Use a heat-gun or a match to heat the
projecting plastic tubes slightly; this will soften them, so that they can be curved to
the shape shown in the illustration. Check that one pipe points down (filler line) and
one up (vent line; this is the overflow when you are filling the tank). Extend these two
tubes with silicone fuel tubing so that they reach the top and bottom of the tank.
Push the stopper into the tank and tighten the cross-point clamping screw. Ensure
that the screw is tight enough to seal the fueltank completely. You can check this by
holding the tank under water: blow into the tubes and watch carefully: if bubbles rise,
there is a leak which must be sealed. Cut three pieces of silicone fuel tubing and