Scale expansion set for the NH90
Order No. 4469.400
“Combat SAR”, or simply “CSAR”, is the term used for the task of rescuing aircraft crew from
enemy territory when they have been shot down or forced to crash-land. The helicopters used
for this task feature comprehensive extra equipment for low flying and nocturnal missions, in
addition to the normal rescue apparatus, radar and infra-red sensors, jettisonable
supplementary tanks (droptanks) to increase the field of action and a defensive armament
carefully designed for this specialised task.
A CSAR version of the NH90 is also available, and we have developed a scale expansion set
which can be used to convert the standard NH90 fuselage kit to this version. This expansion
set, which also takes into account various modifications to the helicopter type which have been
introduced as development continues, is also suitable as a basis for modelling other variants of
the TTH version (Tactical Transport Helicopter) of the NH 90. The droptanks are permanently
mounted as standard, but it is certainly possible for the skilled builder to make them jettisonable
by radio.
Kit contents:
Vacuum-moulded parts for bodywork modification, such as engine air intakes, sensor fairings
and weapons stations, GRP droptanks, various small items.
You will find the Parts List at the end of these instructions.
The set is available in kit-form only. All safety notes, warnings and other essential
information provided in the manual for the mechanics set and fuselage kit also apply in
full to these accessories.
Assemble the FLIR (Forward Looking Infra-Red) unit from parts 1 … 6 as shown in the
illustrations, using cyano. The countersunk screw must be glued securely to the mount.
Engrave the joint line of the nose fairing in the surface layer of the fuselage using a small file, as
shown in the photo; this acts as a useful reference line for positioning parts 7 and 8 which are
fitted next. Glue these parts in place as shown in the picture.