Scale expansion set for the NH90
Order No. 4469.400
Solder together the pairs of brass tubes (25, 26) as shown in the picture: the two tubes should
be joined in one plane, forming a right-angle, and the tube 25 should exactly bisect the tube 26.
Note the 2 mm Ø hole at the front edge of part 25; this is important. You may need to drill it out
again after soldering the tubes together.
You will find a moulded-in line in the top of the GRP droptanks 27. Measure the exact centre
point of the tank along this line, and drill a 2 mm Ø hole at the marked point. Drill a second hole
on the underside exactly opposite the first.
Bend the mild steel rod 28 at right-angles at a point 20 mm from one end to form a hook; feed
the angled end into the top of the tank so that the “hook” rests on the inside of the top face of
the tank. Hold the tank upside-down and drip thin cyano onto the rod through the hole in the
underside; this will glue the rod to the inside of the tank. Check that the end of the rod projecting
at the top is exactly at right-angles to the tank surface. Allow the glue to set hard, then bend the
projecting rod end at an angle as shown in the picture, leaving a straight length of 22 mm
between the bend in the rod and the top face of the droptank. Place the spacer 29 on the tank,
set it exactly parallel to the moulded-in line, and glue it to the steel rod as shown.
When the glue has set hard, slide the angled end of the rod into the 2 mm Ø hole in part 25 as
far as it will go, so that the spacer 29 rests on the centre of part 26, as shown in the pictures.
Align these parts carefully relative to each other, then glue them together using thin cyano. It is
a good idea to force plenty of epoxy into the tube 25 to ensure that the angled end of the steel
rod hook is securely fixed to it.