1. Host Name & Domain Name:
If you do not know this one, you can
ignore this item
2. MAC Address:
Show current MAC address used by the IP Camera.
3. Get an IP address by PPPoE:
“Get an IP Address by PPPoE”
selected, you must also setup the
configuration to login the ADSL
4. Get an IP address by DHCP:
If your network uses DHCP to assign IP
address then you won’t need to manually assign IP address by yourself.
5. Specify an IP address:
Specify your GRAND IP Camera II’s IP address
by yourself. Don’t assign the same IP address as another network
6. Subnet Mask Address:
Default Subnet Mask Address is:
7. Default Gateway IP Address:
This setting depends on your Internet
Service Provider.
8~10. Domain Name Server:
Your Internet Service provider will provide
you with at least one DNS IP Address.
3.3 Wireless Setup
Note: This function is only used by GRAND Wi-Fi Camera
Wireless LAN Setup
1. Wireless opmode: Ad Hoc / Infrastructure:
Switch the Wi-Fi Camera
wireless mode as Ad Hoc mode (point to point), or Infrastructure mode
Ad Hoc: If you want to connect the Wi-Fi camera and PC or notebook
directly, please select this mode. Make sure your notebook includes
the Wireless LAN Card (802.11b) and you must set the parameter
for 802.11b to Ad Hoc.
Infrastructure: If there is a wireless AP (Access Point), please select this
2. SSID:
SSID is like the User ID which is used by the Wireless Lan.
3. WEP Enable / Disable:
Enable/Disable the wireless WEP encryption