To keep my wines ready to serve at
the perfect drinking temperatures?
Choose any Dual-Zone Grand Cru wine
fridge, and keep in mind that most whites
are generally best served at 6-8 deg C, and
most reds at 16-18 deg C. With a Dual-
Zone cabinet, you can fi ne-tune the serving
temperatures of different styles of wine: You
can set the temperature to suit your needs.
To store my wines in the ideal cellaring
conditions so they can mature?
Choose any Grand Cru Wine fridge, and
make sure you set it at 12-14 deg C as this
is the proper temperature for cellaring and
medium/long term storage for all wines:
reds, whites, roses and champagne.
To cellar only white wines
or only red wines?
All wines cellar at the same temperature
(12-14 deg C), so any Single-Zone fridge
set between 12-14 deg C is ideal for white
wine and/or red wine storage. When set
within this temperature range, Single-
Zone fridges will also keep humidity
levels above 55% (which is important to
maintain the integrity of the cork). Having
said that, any dual zone can also be kept
at the same temperature and humidity
levels throughout the whole unit.
To cellar both red and white wines?
All wines — Whites, Reds, Champagnes
— cellar at the same temperature (12-
14 deg C), so any Grand Cru fridge set
between 12-14 deg C is ideal for white
wine and/or red wine storage. Set within
this temperature range, Grand Cru
wine fridges will also keep humidity
levels above 55% (which is important
to maintain the integrity of the cork).
My wine is purely for investment:
which wine fridge will suit me best?
For (investment) wine to appreciate in value,
the discerning purchaser will want a wine
fridge that is designed for cellaring at the
perfect temperature so any of the Grand Cru
units will suit that purpose – it just becomes
more of a question of the size of unit needed.
GRCU4731-User Guide GC100 GC166.indd 21
GRCU4731-User Guide GC100 GC166.indd 21
20/9/22 5:14 pm
20/9/22 5:14 pm