Error message
Error message description
Is displayed...
System EEPROM Data Loss
The pumping device EEPROM has been deleted or
was not yet configured (new device)
Once the Error has occurred
Machine disabled
MODE or I/O Button
Pump Head EEPROM Data Loss
The pump head EEPROM has been deleted or was
not yet configured (new device)
Once the Error has occurred
Machine disabled
MODE or I/O Button
Pump Head EEPROM Erase Failure
The pump head EEPROM has not been deleted
Once the Error has occurred
Machine disabled
MODE or I/O Button
Hot Applicator Temperature Error
The Hot Applicator connected to the system is not
yet heated up entirely to its set temperature or
isn't able to keep its temperature level above a
fixed threshold of 5 degrees Celsius below the set
temperature by any reason. This error message is
only displayed when the error persists while the
pump is being started. The error message can
then be confirmed by the action described
As long as the Error is
persistent and the System
gets an external Run Signal.
Machine disabled
MODE or I/O Button
when there is no
external Run Signal or
when the Error
disappear by itself
Hot Applicator Sensor Error
The Hot Applicator connected to the system has a
faulty or broken NTC temperature sensor.
Alternatively, the power cord to the applicator
was damaged or the applicator isn't connected
As long as the Error is
persistent and the System
gets an external Run Signal.
Machine disabled
MODE or I/O Button
when there is no
external Run Signal or
when the Error
disappear by itself
6. Complete overview Error messages
Instruction Manual GRAF SINGLE LUB 2 / Version 4.0