I n T e r I z a T I o n
a n d
T o r a G e
Fully charge the batteries before storing. A weak battery loses its charge more rapidly than a
strong battery. Coat the battery terminals with grease or anti-corrosion product.
See your engine Operator’s Manual regarding the winterizing procedures. Follow instructions
carefully, and your engine will withstand severe weather conditions. Change all filters. Check hoses
and clamps. If you have developed any vibrations during the season, look for loose engine bolts,
bent shafts or bent propellers.
The fuel systems should be winterized by following the fuel system maintenance and fuel tank
compartment instructions in the maintenance and service section. Tanks should be kept filled when
the boat is not in use to reduce the accumulation of moisture and condensation. Add stabilizer to fuel
that won’t be used in 60-90 days. Use fuel stabilizer specifically designed for alcohol blended fuel if
using E10 gasoline.
In addition to winterization guidelines the following checklist can be used as a guide for storing
your boat. Additional details should be added as needed for your personal application.
• Remove all loose items and personal effects.
• Remove any detachable and valuable equipment such as electronics. Store all electronics
inside. Your compass should be covered for the winter. Ultraviolet rays from the sun will
cloud the compass and make it difficult to read.
• Winterize all equipment as directed in the manufacturer’s manuals.
• Store cushions indoors to prevent mildew.
• Clean the exterior and interior of the boat. Remove all grease, oil, salt spray, etc.
• Remove garbage. Clean storage areas, fish boxes, and livewells. Prop fishbox lids open.
• Lubricate hinges, valves, the backs of electrical panels, and other surfaces that will rust.
• Check underwater items. Hardware should be in good condition and tight.
• Inspect electrical systems and have any repairs performed.
Before placing your boat in the water for the boating season, have the hull bottom sanded and
reapply anti-fouling bottom paint if necessary. Leave as much equipment and personal effects as
possible off the boat until after launch and final check.
Содержание Canyon 271
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