Electro-pneumatic Control Panel Display Screens
Automatic Screen
Feedback enabled
Feedback disabled
• To prime a full tote for automatic operation,
press and hold the green start button to
advance the ram downwards. Before reaching
the top of the tote, the pumps will begin to
pump slowly and the ram seal will partially
inflate so that an overfilled tote will not spill
over. Continue holding the start button until
the ram plate is below the top of the tote
and the automatic sequence takes over. If
the button is released prior to the automatic
sequence beginning, will cause ram movement
to cease. Press and hold the start button to
• When the partial tote setting is selected, pump
operation is delayed until the start button is
released and the ram plate is located below
the rim of the tote. If the ram plate is not
below the rim of the tote when the start button
is released, ram movement ceases.
• If feedback is enabled in system settings:
– The Current Job field is active. The Current
Job box logs how much material has been
dispensed since the previous job was
– The Batching checkbox is active. Selecting
the Batching checkbox enables the Batch
Amount numeric field and enters the value
defined in the selected recipe Default Batch
Size field. When the specified amount has
been dispensed, the evacuation will cease
and await further instruction.
• If Remote Operation is enabled for your STU,