Follow these simple steps to clean and maintain your 3 in 1 Sweet Snack Maker
after every use:
1. Turn your 3 in 1 Sweet Snack Maker OFF by unplugging it from the mains
2. Allow the machine to completely cool down
3. Clean the top and bottom casing with a soft damp cloth and then dry with a
kitchen/paper towel.
4. Open the 3 in 1 Sweet Snack Maker and wipe away any excess mixture on the
baking plates with a soft damp cloth and then dry with a kitchen/paper towel. Make
sure that each cavity on the top and bottom baking plates are thoroughly cleaned
and dried.
5. Once your 3 in 1 Sweet Snack Maker is clean and dry, it is ready to be packed back
in its box ready for the next use.
immerse the 3 in 1 Sweet Snack Maker in water, other liquids or use in a
dishwasher. There is danger to life due to risk of electric shock
use abrasive cleaning agents or sharp objects (e.g. scrubbing bush or a knife)
for cleaning
Chocolate Cake Pops
170g of plain fl our
½ a teaspoon of baking powder
80g melted chocolate
1 tablespoon of cocoa powder
A pinch of salt
60g of softened butter
110g of caster sugar
60ml of milk
This recipe will make 20-24 cake pops with the Cake Pop plates
1. Add the softened butter and sugar to a large mixing bowl and beat until light and fl uff y.
2. Next beat in the egg to the mixing bowl.
3. Add the salt and baking powder to the bowl and mix in.
4. Add the melted chocolate (you can melt this gently in a microwave or in a small bowl
over boiling water).
5. Gradually sift and mix in the fl our and cocoa powder.
6. Add the milk and mix all of the ingredients until they come together to form a smooth
7. Make sure that your Cake Pop plates are pre-heated and that each cavity has been
coated with an oil spray.
8. Add a heaped teaspoon spoon sized amount to each cake pop cavity on the bottom
baking plate.
9. Carefully close the lid and allow the cake pops to bake for 3-4minutes.
10. You can test that the cake pops are ready by inserting a toothpick into the middle of
one; if it comes out clean they are ready.
11. Switch off the machine and leave to cool for a few minutes before removing with a
wooden or plastic utensil.
12. Decorate your cake pops as desired.
Cleaning your 3 in 1 Sweet Snack Maker
Recipe suggestions