GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Extension Cables with the VL2 E Accessory
Setting the Switches at the Test Case
The following settings must be made after visual inspection has been passed, and before the
DUT is connected to the corresponding plug connectors at the test case, as well as before
each new test:
NETZ–VDE switch (1)
Set to “VDE”
METRATESTER 5+ function selector switch (6)
Set to “I
20 mA”
Polarity reversing switch (14)
Set to “1”
Measuring selector switch L1-L2-L3 (2)
Set to “L1”
Setting the Switches at the Device Under Test
Connect the device under test to the test case and switch all of its functions on, making sure
that, for example, thermostat contacts are closed etc.
Mains Connection Sockets
VL2 E Test Adapter