b. Check position of all swithes:
¡Motor+heat¡ switch fixed to ¡OFF¡
¡Temprature control¡ switch fixed to ¡0¡
c. Set the chocolate fountain base on a sturdy, level surface to begin. Starting off with
a sturdy level surface will ensure proper operation of the chocolate fondue fountain.
Uneven sheeting of chocolate over the fountain tiers is usually the result of the
chocolate fountain not standing level or that the chocolate fondue is too thick.
d. Sure the pump is ¡screwing in¡
e. Line up the column and tiers, screw in and assembly it in line
f. With the fountain fully assembled and level, it's time to get warmed up.
¡ motor+heat¡ switch to heat position,
Set the temperature control for 100¡ to preheat
g. Add oil to bowl and prepare to melt your chocolate. Chocolate chips or callets can
be added directly to the pan in the fountain base and heated until melted.
frequently to ensure that all chocolate is melted.
h. After your chocolate is melted, turn ¡heat+motor¡ switch to ¡heat+motor¡ position.
Allow a few minutes for the chocolate to stabilize, then check the temperature of the
chocolate and Adjust the temperature switch to ¡50¡ 60¡.
Please do not switch on the motor if the chocolate is not melted completely. or If the
chocolate does not flow properly after the allowed time, please check the chocolate
is too thick or too small, then please switch motor to ¡heat¡ and add some oil or
melted chocolate, and turn the motor on. The fountain requires 13 lbs. minimum; 15
lbs. will allow the fountain to run easier. The chocolate ingredient we suggest is 45%
cocoa butter and 55% chocolate.
For a quick setup, we suggest pre-melting your chocolate in a microwave.
D. Using the correct chocolate
Your unit will work with any chocolate. However, the best chocolate to use is pure
Belgian Chocolate, high in cocoa butter, that is formulated for chocolate fondue
fountains. This chocolate requires no oil to function and is rich and decadent. You
can purchase this type of chocolate online at any website that sells commercial
chocolate fondue fountains.
Fortunately you do not need to go far to use your new fondue fountain. Simply go
into your cupboard or local market and purchase chocolate chips used for baking in
your baking aisle of the local store. in flavors such as;
*Semi Sweet Chocolate
*Milk Chocolate
*White Chocolate
Since these chips are low in cocoa butter, they need oil to make it flow correctly.
The types of oil you can use are;