Best end necks of lamp,
2 Tablespoon chopped parsley
each with 6-7 cutlets
½ lemon, finely grated
½ cup onion, chopped
1 Tablespoon lemon juice
½ cup celery, chopped
1 small egg
1 apple peeled and chopped
Garlic, salt and ground pepper
2 Tablespoon butter
2 Tablespoons flour
3 Tablespoon dried apricots,
3 cups beef stock
soaked overnight
½ cup fresh white breadcrumbs
Cut away the shin bones and ease out the shoulder blades from both joints. Trim each
cutlet bone to a depth of 2.5cm. Bend the joints around fat side and sew together to form
a crown. Cover the exposed bones with foil paper.
Sauté the onion, celery and apple in butter until brown. Drain, dry and chop the apricots.
Stir into the pan with the next eight ingredients. Season well, cool. Fill the stuffing into
the crown of lamb and weigh the joint. Place the joint on low rack in the convection oven.
Roast at 350
) for 25 minutes per 500gm, then baste with juice from bowl. Roast
for a further 25 minutes at 400
) baste occasionally and cover tightly with foil
paper if necessary to prevent overcooking exposed top/thin sections.
Remove foil paper. Replace with cutlet frills, serve with roast potatoes, pumpkin and
steamed beans. Separate cutlets at the table as required.
1.7kg veal breast, boned with pocket cut
STUFFING continued:
2 tbsp butter
1 Tablespoon lemon rind, grated
Garlic, salt and pepper
1 cup of diced mushroom
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 Tablespoon butter
½ cup of finely chopped onions
1 Tablespoon lemon juice
Preheat frying pan. Melt 1 tbsp of butter in the pan and fry onions until soft. Add lemon
rind and juice, garlic and mushrooms. Fry together for 3 to 4 minutes. Set aside in a
large bowl. Add breadcrumbs, garlic, salt and pepper to fry vegetables. Bind together
with egg and enough cream to form a firm consistency.
Place stuffing into veal packet and spread evenly. Sew up cavity. Brush veal with soft
butter and place on a low rack in the convection oven, preheated to 163
for 20 minutes. Turn, brush again and cook at 150
) for 20 minutes. Turn, brush
again and cook approximately for 40 minutes with potatoes until ready. Serve with peas.
Pour juices from bowl over carved meat.