Whiz Bang Unimaxx
Models 2003EX, 2003BNX, 2003STX, 2005EX, 2005BNX
Heater Blower Components For 2005EX And 2005BNX
Heat Element 250W Tubular
P/N 61184EX
P/N 47385
Warmer Fan
P/N 48037
Blower Plug and Cord
P/N 47199
(Above Items Not Shown In Illustration)
Kettle Shell Components
Kettle Integral
Heater 12/14
p/n 58011
Kettle Shell
p/n 61017
Block, Shell and
Kettle (2) p/n 61013
(Secures Weld to
Shell and Provides
Anchor for Crossbar
Kettle Gasket
p/n 61012
8-32 x ½” (4)
Countersunk Phillips
Flathead Screws
p/n 20066