Whiz Bang Unimaxx
Models 2003EX, 2003BNX, 2003STX, 2005EX, 2005BNX
Clean the Kettle
1. As you pop corn, wipe the kettle with a clean cloth. It is easy to keep the outside clean
when the kettle is warm and the oil is not baked on. CAUTION: The hot kettle will cause
burns if you touch it with your hand. Allow the kettle to cool for at least 1 hour before
attempting to clean.
2. Every night, add 10 – 12 oz. of Heat’n Kleen solution (mix 2 tablespoons Heat’n Kleen
per gallon of water). Turn on the kettle heat. When the water starts to boil, turn off the
heat and let it work overnight.
3. The next morning, dump the solution into a bucket and wipe the inside of the kettle with a
Clean the popcorn machine
1. Wipe the stainless steel parts with a clean cloth and cleaner designed for stainless steel.
not use oven cleaners, as they will damage parts of the machine.
2. Ammonia cleaners will damage the plastic doors.
Use only non-ammonia cleaners, such
as Gold Medal’s – Watchdog Glass Cleaner – item number 2588.