Pan R em oval......................................... 6.3 pts. (3.3 liters)
Overhaul...............................................20.0 pts. (9.5 liters)
Pan R em oval.......................................... 9.0 pts. (4.0 liters)
Overhaul............................................ 22.0 pts. (10.0 liters)
Pan R em oval....................................... 10.0 pts. (4.7 liters)
Overhaul............................................ 23.0 pts. (10.9 liters)
Fig. 7A-4--Transmission Fluid Capacity
Fluid Level an d C ap acity
To bring fluid level from A D D m ark to F U L L m ark
requires one pint (.5 liters) of fluid. Fluid level should be
checked a t every engine oil change.
Fluid level should be to F U L L M ark w ith transm ission
fluid a t norm al operating te m p era tu re 200°F (93°C ). W ith
fluid a t room te m p e ra tu re , 70 °F (2 1 °C ) level will be
betw een th e two dim ples on th e d ipstick. T he norm al
operating tem p eratu re is obtained only after at least 15
miles (24 km) of highway type driving.
Checking an d A dding Fluid (Transmission a t
O p e ra tin g Tem perature)
T he au to m atic transm ission is designed to operate at
th e " F U L L H O T " m ark on th e d ip stick a t norm al
operating tem p eratu res of 190° - 200°F (88°C - 93°C) and
should be checked under these conditions. T he norm al
operating tem p eratu re is obtained only afte r at least 15
miles of highw ay type driving.
To determ ine proper level, proceed as follows:
1. Apply parking brake and block vehicle wheels.
2. W ith the selector lever in the PA R K position, sta rt
engine. D O N O T R A C E E N G IN E . Move selector
lever through each range.
3. Im m e d iately check fluid w ith the selector lever in
PA R K , engine running at S L O W ID L E and the car on
a L E V E L surface. T he fluid level on the dipstick should
be at the " FU L L H O T " m ark.
4. If additional fluid is required, add sufficient fluid to
bring to the " F U L L H O T " m ark on the dipstick.
Checking an d A dd ing Fluid (Transmission at
Room T em p e ra tu re 6 5 ° to
8 5 °F , 18° to 2 9 °C)
A u to m a tic tran sm issio n a re freq u en tly overfilled
because the fluid level is checked when the fluid is cold and
the dipstick indicates fluid should be added. However, the
low reading is norm al since the level will rise as the fluid
tem p eratu re increases. A level change of over 19.05mm (3/
4 " ) will occur as fluid tem p eratu re rises from 60° to 180°F
(16° to 82°C) (F igure 7A-5).
Overfilling can cause foam ing and loss of fluid through
the vent. Slippage and transm ission failure can result.
Fluid level too low can cause slipping, particularly,
when the transm ission is cold or the vehicle is on a hill.
Check the transm ission fluid level with the engine
running, the shift lever in park, and the vehicle level.
If the vehicle has recen tly been o p erated for an
extended period at high speed or in city traffic in hot w eather
or the vehicle is being used to pull a trailer, an accu rate fluid
level cannot be determ ined until the fluid has cooled down,
usually about 30 m inutes after the vehicle has been parked.
Remove the dipstick and touch the transm ission end of
the dipstick cautiously to find out if the fluid is cool, w arm or
W ipe it clean and re-insert until cap seats. Remove
dipstick and note reading.
1. If the fluid feels cool, about room tem perature, (65Q to
85°F or 18° to 29°C ), the level should be between the
two dimples below the " a d d " m ark.
2. If it feels w arm , the level should be close to the "A D D "
m ark (either above or below).
3. If it feels hot (cannot be held com fortably), the level
should be between the "A D D " and " F U L L " m arks.
C h an g in g Fluid
1. Raise vehicle.
2. W ith drain pan placed under transm ission oil pan,
remove oil pan attac h in g bolts from front and side of
3. Loosen rear pan attach in g bolts approxim ately four (4)
4. C a re fu lly pry tran sm issio n oil pan loose w ith
screwdriver, allowing fluid to drain.
5. Rem ove rem ain in g bolts and rem ove oil pan and
Содержание 1982 Light Duty Truck
Страница 1: ......
Страница 28: ...HEATER 1A 3 Fig lA 2 Heater Control C K Models Fig lA 3 Heater Control G Models...
Страница 37: ...Fig 1A 11 T E E V A L V E A S M TEE AND VALVE C36...
Страница 38: ...HEATER 1A 13 Fig 1A l2 Distributor Ducts G Models Fig 1A l5 Control Assembly G Models...
Страница 39: ...1A 14 HEATER V IE W A V IE W B Fig 1A l7 Control Cable Routing G Models...
Страница 42: ...HEATER 1A 19 Fig 1A 23 Auxiliary Heater Hose Routing...
Страница 56: ...AIR CONDITIONING IB 13 Chart 1B 4 Pressure Cycling CCOT System Diagnosis...
Страница 64: ...Fig 1B 17 C60 System Vacuum Diagram C K Series...
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Страница 66: ...Fig 1B 19 C60 Motor Home Chassis Wiring Diagram SWITCH AIR CONDITIONING IB 2 3...
Страница 67: ...IB 24 AIR CONDITIONING Fig IB 20 1 P A C Harness Wiring...
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Страница 164: ...2D 2 BODY Fig 2D 4 Typical Utility Vehicle Model...
Страница 165: ...BODY 2D 3 Fig 2D 5 Typical Vans and Sport Vans Models Fig 2D 6 Typical Commercial Cutaway Model Van...
Страница 182: ...2D 20 BODY Fig 2D 51 Rear Door Controls Fig 2D 52 Rear Door Outside Handle and Lock Cylinder...
Страница 193: ...BODY 2D 31 BELTS 3RD SEAT Fig 2D 82 Seat Belt Installation Suburban Driver Seat Suburban...
Страница 194: ...2D 32 BODY Fig 2D 85 Passenger s Bucket Seat Chassis Cab...
Страница 195: ...BODY 2D 33 Fig 2D 88 Rear Bench Seats Suburban...
Страница 196: ...2D 34 BODY Fig 2D 89 CK Utility Seat Attachments...
Страница 197: ...BODY 2D 35 Fig 2D 90 Seat Separator Compartment and Door CK Models...
Страница 198: ...2D 36 BODY MOUNT 1 V MOUNT 2 CK 10 j Fig 2D 91 Body Mounting Chassis Cab Fig 2D 92 Body Mounting Crew Cab...
Страница 222: ......
Страница 223: ...BODY 2D 61 Fig 2D 139 Front Seat Belt Installation...
Страница 228: ......
Страница 234: ......
Страница 252: ...3B2 8 MANUAL STEERING GEAR Fig 3B2 11 Manual Steering Gear Exploded View...
Страница 256: ......
Страница 273: ...POWER STEERING SYSTEM 3B3 17 with LE3 Engine Exc HC4 LE4 LG9 LF4 LS9 LT9 and JB7 HC4 and JB8...
Страница 305: ...STEERING COLUMNS 3B4 17 Fig 3 B 4 1 9 S h ift T u b e A d ju s tm en t 3 S peed M an u al T ransm ission...
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Страница 389: ...REAR SUSPENSION 3D 7 Fig 3D 17 Rear Spring Installation C K Models...
Страница 390: ...3D 8 REAR SUSPENSION Fig 3D 20 Rear Spring lnstallation P10 20 Fig 3D 21 Rear Spring lnstallation P30...
Страница 428: ...4 B 1 4 REAR AXLE Fig 4B 8 Gear Tooth Nomenclature Fig 4B 9 G ear Tooth Contact Pattern Check...
Страница 444: ......
Страница 454: ......
Страница 468: ...4 B 5 2 REAR AXLE Fig 4B5 2 Rockwell Assembly...
Страница 480: ...4 B 5 1 4 REAR AXLE...
Страница 482: ...i...
Страница 502: ......
Страница 520: ......
Страница 533: ...Fig 5 5 Front Brake Pipes and Hoses C K Models BRAKES 5 13...
Страница 534: ...Fig 5 6 Front Brake Pipes and Hoses G M odels 5 14 B R A K E S...
Страница 535: ...Fig 5 7 Front Brake Pipes and Hoses P Models BRAKES 5 15...
Страница 536: ...5 16 BRAKES Fig 5 8 Rear Brake Hoses...
Страница 538: ...5 18 BRAKES Fig 5 10 Parking Brake System Typical...
Страница 539: ...BRAKES 5 19...
Страница 552: ...5 32 BRAKES Fig 5 23 Caliper to Stop Clearance BOOT Fig 5 24 Boot Installation Fig 5 25 Sleeve Installation...
Страница 570: ...5 50 BRAKES Fig 5 57 Power Steering Hose Routing C K Models...
Страница 571: ...BRAKES 5 51 Fig 5 58 Power Steering Hose Routing G Models...
Страница 572: ...Fig 5 59 Power Steering H ose Routing P Models 5 52 BRAKES...
Страница 604: ......
Страница 625: ...NOTES ENGINE 6 21...
Страница 626: ......
Страница 629: ...IN LINE 6 6A1 3 OIL PRESSURE SENDING UNIT Fig 6A1 1 In Line Engine Lubrication...
Страница 630: ...6A1 4 IN LINE 6 Fig 6 A l 2 P Series Engine Front Mount...
Страница 631: ...IN LINE 6 6A1 5 Fig 6Al 3 P Series Engine Rear Mount Fig 6 A l 4 C Series Engine Rear Mounts...
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Страница 663: ...SMALL BLOCK 6A4 3 Fig 6A4 T Engine Lubrication...
Страница 664: ...6A4 4 SMALL BLOCK Fig 6A4 2 Engine Lubrication...
Страница 665: ...Fig 6A4 3 P Series Engine Mount Bracket...
Страница 667: ...SMALL BLOCK 6A4 7 Fig 6A 4 5 P Series Engine Front Mount...
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Страница 669: ...SMALL BLOCK 6A4 9 Fig 6A 4 7 K Series Engine Mounts...
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Страница 731: ...6 2 DIESEL 6A7 3...
Страница 760: ...6B 6 ENGINE COOLING Fig 6B 7 A C and A I R Adjustment...
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Страница 830: ...6C4 10 CARBURETOR MODEL M4ME M4MC 101368 Fig 6C4 12 M 4M C M 4M E Carburetor Exploded View...
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Страница 888: ...6D 12 ENGINE ELECTRICAL Fig 6D 6C Generator Mounting Fig 6D 7C Generator Mounting...
Страница 919: ...ENGINE ELECTRICAL 6D 43...
Страница 923: ...Fig 6D 28D Engine Wiring LE9 LF3 LG9 LS9 D IS T R W IR E ASM E S C CONNECTOR E N G IN E HARNESS...
Страница 934: ...Fig 6D 8E Starter M otor Mounting...
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Страница 1011: ...Figure 350C 25A Neutral Engine Running AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 350C 11...
Страница 1054: ...Fig 7A 1C 400 Autom atic Transmission Side Cross Section Typical...
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Страница 1189: ...89MM MANUAL TRANSMISSION 7B3 5 Fig 7 3 4 4 Speed 89mm Exploded View...
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Страница 1220: ...Fig 7C 7 G Truck Clutch Controls...
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Страница 1234: ...7E 2 TRANSFER CASE Fig 7E 1 Model 208 Transfer Case Cross Section...
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Страница 1252: ...7E 20 TRANSFER CASE Fig 7E 39 Transfer Case Attachment Typical...
Страница 1278: ...8A 16 ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS Fig 8A 11 License Plate Lamps C K Series...
Страница 1280: ...8A 18 ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS VIEW A VIEW B Fig 8A 15 CK Series Rear Lamp W iring...
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Страница 1304: ...8C 12 INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES INSTRUMENT CLUSTER KOOO OO K30 TRANSFER CASE I 6 Chart 8C F2 Speedometer Cable Routing...
Страница 1346: ...8C 54 INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES Fig 8C 46 CK Series W iring 3 of 29...
Страница 1351: ...INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES 8C 59 SUBURBAN Fig 8C 51 CK Series W iring 8 of 29...
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Страница 1363: ...INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES 8C 71 ELECTRONIC SPARK CONTROL W ITH RPO L E 9 A U T 0 TRANS Fig 8C 63 CK Series W iring 20 of 29...
Страница 1364: ...8C 72 INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES Fig 8C 64 CK Series W iring 21 of 29...
Страница 1365: ...INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES 8C 73 CAB CRFW CAB CHASSIS Fig 8C 65 CK Series W iring 22 of 29...
Страница 1366: ...8C 74 INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES Fig 8C 66 CK Series W iring 23 of 29...
Страница 1372: ...8C 80 INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES RT SIDE MARKER L W LT SIOE MARKER FORWARD LAMP RPO V 22 Fig 8C 72 CK Series W iring 29 of 29...
Страница 1374: ...8C 82 INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES Fig 8C 74 G Series W iring 2 of 19...
Страница 1375: ...INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES 8C 83 Fig 8C 75 G Series W iring 3 of 19...
Страница 1376: ...8C 84 INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES Fig 8C 76 G Series W iring 4 of 19...
Страница 1379: ...INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES 8C 87 Fig 8C 79 G Series W iring 7 of 19...
Страница 1383: ...INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES 8C 91 Fig 8C 83 G Series W iring 11 o f 19...
Страница 1384: ...8C 92 INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES BUS BARGWO Fig 8C 84 G Series W iring 12 of 19...
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Страница 1390: ...8C 98 INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES Fig 8C 90 G Series W iring 18 of 19...
Страница 1391: ...INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES 8C 99 Fig 8C 91 G Series W iring 19 of 19...
Страница 1392: ...8C 100 INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES Fig 8C 92 P Series W iring 1 of 11...
Страница 1393: ...INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES 8C 101 Fig 8C 93 P Series W iring 2 of 11...
Страница 1395: ...INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES 8C 103 RADIATOR LOW COOLANT LEVEL SENSOR 0 YEL BLK 60 SXL Fig 8C 95 P Series W iring 4 of 11...
Страница 1396: ...8C 104 INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES Fig 8C 96 P Series W iring 5 of 11...
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Страница 1399: ...INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES 8C 107 Fig 8C 99 P Series W iring 8 of 11...
Страница 1400: ...8C 108 INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES PROVISIONS FOR SIDE MARKER LP Fig 8C 100 P Series W iring 9 of 11...
Страница 1401: ...INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES 8C 109 START RUN OF LOCK ACC Fig 8C 101 P Series W iring 10 of 11...
Страница 1402: ...8C 110 INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES IGN SW START OFF LOCK P 3 0 0 3 2 D RIVE Fig 8C 102 P Series W iring 11 of 11...
Страница 1415: ...ACCESSORIES 9 13 RADIO NOISE BLOWER MOTOR Fig 9 6R Radio Diagnosis Chart B...
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Страница 1417: ...ACCESSORIES 9 15 DEAD RADIO AM FM RADIO Fig 9 8R Radio Diagnosis Chart D...
Страница 1435: ...t f l i t 1...