GlobalTime NTP Products
Firstly, double click the time mark on the right side of the windows task bar and it will pop up
an interface with date and time properties. Then select the Internet time screen, which is
shown as the picture in the next page.
Secondly, modify the windows default time server, such as modifying to
Thirdly, click "Apply", and then "Update Now". After a successful synchronization, it will show
successful ****** synchronization time in **year, **hour, **minute. The next synchronization:
**year, **month **Date, **hour, **minute. Windows default is to synchronize once a week. If
the screen displays RPC not available, you should open the Control Panel, select
Administrative Tools / Services, search windows Time from the services list, choose to
automatically open the service and restart it.
Fourthly, if you consider the synchronization cycle is too long, you can
modify the registry
to shorten the synchronization cycle. The specific registry key is in:
The default is 604800 = 60
7, namely, a week.
synchronization once a day: The default is 86400
synchronization once an hour: The default is 3600
synchronization once ten minutes: The default is 600