GlobalTime NTP Products
Reset function
After power is on, wait till "GlobalTime" shows on the display, then press " Reset" button 5
times (or more) quickly till "Factory Reset..." shows on the display. About 2s later you will
see""Reset OK!""Please Power Off!" indication.
Please note: during the reset operation, if there is power loss, reset function will fail. Even worse,
the server may not function normally.
Server configuration debugging
There is one 10/100M adaptive network port on GTT100. The default configuration is It supports web, ssh, SNMP and NTP.
GTT-100 network time server can conduct maintenance and management through the local
serial cable connection or the remote telnet connection. The local connection needs to use a
cross serial cable with connectors on both sides (that is, 2,3 feet of the two sides are cross
connected). The management is carried out on the Hyper- Terminal in Windows.
Remote SSH connection needs specialized SSH client. The following example describes the
maintenance methods with local connection, so does remote maintenance.
User login
After connecting the hyper terminal, press ENTER and you will see the login interface just
like the figure 3-2 shown. Then enter the user name " ntpuser " and the password "Users.".
Note: Pay attention to the last ".". Once logging in, you can set your own password.
Figure 3-2
Login interface
After logging in, there will be a configuration interface. There are 9 choices. The detailed
description of each function is introduced as follow: