05. Descrip2on of screen and func2on keys
Icons on Upper Display
GPS fixed
No GPS fix
Manually turned on file
Audio recording is off
File protec2on enabled
by G-‐Sensor
0 / 14
The lock files more than 0 indicates the number of 14 for the
memory card can be locked to protect the number of files,
number of files can be protected according to the capacity of the
memory card, 8G memory card about 14 segments lockable.
The lock files more than 0 indicates the number of 14 for the
memory card can be locked to protect the number of files,
number of files can be protected according to the capacity of the
memory card, 8G memory card about 14 segments lockable.
The lock files more than 0 indicates the number of 14 for the
memory card can be locked to protect the number of files,
number of files can be protected according to the capacity of the
memory card, 8G memory card about 14 segments lockable.
05-‐1. Power-‐on Screen
Page 8