05-‐4-‐08. Language :
You could select the displayed language
keys. And then press
select the seIng.
05-‐4-‐09. Screen Timeout
You could select the screen 2meout
seIng while device is opera2ng by
keys. And then press
to select
the seIng.
05-‐4-‐10. G-‐Sensor sensi2vity
You could set G-‐Sensor/gravity
sensi2vity to protect the recording not
to be over-‐wrilen by cycle recording.
You could set the value by
keys. And then press
to select the
X axis: Records the gravity change
between lea and right
Y axis: Records the gravity change
between forward and backward
Z axis: Records the gravity change
between up and down
05-‐4-‐11. GPS Status
Indicates the devices has a GPS fix.
Indicates the device is trying to get
a GPS fix.
If the device cannot get a GPS fix in the
area with open sky, please reset device by
key. And then return to SeIng menu
GPS status will be influenced by the
environment. Metal material in the
window 2nt film might influence the GPS
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