05-‐4. SeIng descrip2ons:
05-‐4-‐01. Time SeIng :
The device will show the incorrect date/
2me on the first use. The date/2me
would be automa2cally adjusted aaer
geIng it’s first GPS fix.
You could change the date and 2me by
keys. And then press
save the seIng.
05-‐4-‐02. Timezone SeIng :
You could change the 2me zone by
keys. And then press
to save
the seIng.
05-‐4-‐03. Format Memory Card :
The device will ask if you want to
format the memory card. You could do
it or not 2me by
keys. And
then press
to select the seIng.
All the stored data will be deleted when
formaIng the memory card.
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