Global Water
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Battery Life
The 3.6 volt lithium battery may last 2-3 years, depending on use; however, higher
sample rates can reduce battery life significantly. It is impossible to accurately
predict the battery life for all types of usage and conditions, such as sample rate and
ambient temperature; however a general assumption is that a new battery will last
about 1-2 years based on continuous use at sample rates of 1 minute or greater, and
normal ambient temperatures of at least 32ºF.
One of the best features of the PL300H Hydrant Logger is the 10 times per second
sample rate. This feature allows you to capture detailed data from pressure waves
cased by water hammer and other affects, but it also consumes the most power.
Under normal conditions, this feature will deplete the battery in about one week if left
turned on.
You can increase the battery life significantly when using the high sample rate
mode by utilizing the alarm start and stop timers, as described on page 13. In
high speed mode, the memory will hold 81,759 data points or 2 hours and 16
minutes of data; which usually makes it impractical to keep the logger running any
longer than that. Use the alarm start and stop timers to record data and fill memory
only when data needs to be collected. How the memory wrap-around feature
described on page 19 is set determines whether the first 81,759 accumulated data
points are stored or the most recent ones. With wrap-around turned off, the logger
will continue to take readings and consume power, the data is just not stored in
memory once it is full. Thus, turning memory wrap-around off will not save power.