IV. Using the phone
a) Receiving a Call
When the phone rings, pick up the handset to answer a call.
b) Making a phone call
Pick up the handset and press the number key to dial out.
c) Ending a Call
When you finish your conversation, put back the handset to the cradle to end the call.
d) Flash
If your device is connected to a PBX, key Flash
(6) is used to access some of features of
PBX your units. Pressing the button suspend the line for 100 ms.
e) Redial
Press the button Redial
(7), to make a last dialed number.
f) Pause
If pressed during dialing button
(7), you will put gap into the option in length 3,5 s.
This feature is used mainly for the auto redial
(7). Always use Pause, if you wait for a
second dial tone leaving the state line of PBX.
g) Ringer settings
Set the ringer volume with Ringer volume switch
(8) to higher (bigger bell) or to lower
(smaller bell).