Congratulations! You have acquired State-Of-The-Art water cooler with self cleaning capability
It is designed to preserve an original bottled water quality and to eliminate slime and bacteria it
carries. . It is not meant for filtering tap water.
Areas covered by self cleaning includes cold water tank, cold tank cover with water level
controls, cold water faucet up to the dispensing nozzle and surrounding connectors.
Self Clean feature is covering most difficult areas to clean that otherwise require partial
disassembly of the water cooler.
What is not covered are nozzles of the faucets and water probe.
Water nozzles are recessed and prevent engaging bottles for refilling or touching them.
To Clean faucet nozzles you may spray them with 5% chlorine solution. Common unscented
bleach is a good source of chlorine. City supplied tap water is treated with chlorine.
After spraying with bleach solution, spray with tap water for rinsing.
To clean the probe, disconnect sections of probe and wash them with chlorine solution
Do the same with head of the probe. Rinse with tap water.
This should be done every 3 to 6 months depending on the environment and usage if the
Areas covered by Self Clean are automatically treated with metered amounts of ozone every 4
hours to prevent formation of the slime and to eliminate bacteria growth.
This process is exclusive to Electrotemp Technologies China Inc. and is covered by numerous
Ozone could be called a miracle substance, it exist in the nature. Ozone is formed by
lightening strikes. Specific, fresh smell. In the air after the storm is a smell of ozone .Ozone
molecule is O3, it is unstable and in short time it
Changes into one molecule of air O2 and water H2O . Becoming completely harmless.
Ozone emissions into an ambient air are controlled to below 50 pbb level in accordance with
OSHA requirements.
Ozone has good sanitizing capabilities and does not require additions of any other substances
to assist in the cleaning process . Reliable construction assures longevity if the self cleaning